Chapter 3

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' I wanna see the sun rise on your sins '

Ariana Parker

I walked out the shower and into my room to see my phone vibrating like crazy that too on my emergency number. All members of our mafia had an emergency number and under no circumstances could you neglect that call. It was Max.

"Yes?" I asked answering the phone, a little worried.

"Can't you answer the damn phone? I have been calling for minutes." so that is why he called the emergency number.

"I was in the shower, Mr. Dramatic."

"Your mom is calling you for breakfast. Oh and she asked me to call Zayn and Lexi too but I am sure you will call them on your way downstairs."

"Of course not. I mean, you have been told to do that. You do it." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Ari, we have a mission to go to. I'll explain it later. I can't waste my energy calling two people!"

"You know, calling doesn't need any energy, right?"

"Of course it does. I will have to end this call, search for Zayn in my contacts, keep calling him until he answers, you know the process. And who will save your stupid ass if I don't have enough energy?"

"Shut up. Everyone knows I am the best in the four of us."

"Keep telling yourself that. Anyways. Just knock on Zayn and Lexi's door and they will understand what you mean. Bye!" and that snot brain ended the call.

I walked down the hall towards my twin brother's room and opened the door to ask him to come downstairs. But I was not at all ready for the sight that met my eyes.

Lexi was on top of him with his dick inside her. And now, ladies and gentlemen, I was scarred for life.

"Ewww!!" I shouted and ran towards the kitchen.

"What happened Ari?" my dad asked with mom sitting in his lap.

"I'll tell you what happened. I walked in on your daughter," I pointed to Enzo "having your son's," I pointed towards dad "that is my twin brother's dick inside her." I scrunched my face in disgust.

"Lexi and Zayn?!" Leo exclaimed.

"You didn't know?" Max asked.

"I had no idea." he shook his head.

"A few weeks ago the both of them came to a sudden realisation that they could give their relationship a chance. They have been flirting with each other since, like forever." Max explained.

I had heard Lexi's version of the story. She kept telling me how both of them started talking about Lexi's ex- boyfriend and then one thing led to another until Zayn finally kissed her.

"Anyways, did you find anything about the druggie?" I asked Max.

"Yeah. His name is George Avery. He has a base about an hour away from here. It's in the middle of open fields so locating the warehouse won't be a problem. In fact, I was thinking we should go pay him a visit today." he suggested.

"Good idea." I nodded my head. "We'll leave in two hours."

Our mafia, in Enzo's words is 'The good Mafia. Or at least as good as it gets.' We never targeted children or innocent people. And to cover up the killing and stuff, we had a few men in the police department and we also made huge donations at charity events and stuff. So mostly people kept their mouths shut.

But the same could not be said for other mafias and gangs. When I was six, a gang was supposed to kidnap Zayn and me because they wanted money but ended up kidnapping Max and me instead. First, when I woke up inside a cell, I didn't know what to do but I certainly did know what not to do from the movies I had watched. We were there for around 8 hours before mom, dad and Enzo came to rescue us. By then, we had drained out all the energy from the guards by annoying and irritating them. So it was an easy escape. Similar thing happened with Zayn and Lexi. And both the times, they were supposed to kidnap the twins.

The next time this happened, I was 14. This time a mafia tried to kidnap Lexi and me but we fought them. That was my first real fight and first kill.

"You are going for a mission?" Leo asked.

"Yeah. Why? You coming?" Max asked.

"Nah. I'm leaving after breakfast." he shook his head. He owned a multi- billionaire company somewhere across the country. He mostly concentrated on that rather than the mafia. But he always made time for us and came home once in a while.

"Okay, uncle Leo."

"How many times have I told you not to call me uncle? I feel like an old man when you do that." he pouted.

"Because you are an old man. I mean, you are 36. That's pretty old. I bet you'll start balding in a year or two." Max said and I laughed.

"No. I have at least two decades until I start balding." he shook his head.

"No! Look at dad. He already has a bald spot on his head. And he has a round belly too." I joked. Dad still looked the same as he did when I was a child.

"Your dad still looks the same as he did when I first met him. He does have a few grey hair but that looks hot on him." mom kissed dad

"Thank you, baby."

"Good morning, residents of the Parker mansion!" Zayn and Lexi made an entrance.

"Good morning. Eat up. We have a mission to go to." Max told them.

"Okay. And if things go wrong, as always, the one who kills the least people pays for the next five times we go out to eat something." she told everyone.

"Guys! I don't even know why you do that." Enzo shook his head.

"Yeah! We are fucking billionaires for calling out loud." Leo exclaimed.

"It's kind of a ritual. Plus, it's always Zayn who loses." I laughed.

"Yeah because I try making a deal with the leader first. I don't start acting like psycho savages like you all the first chance I get." he rolled his eyes.

"I am a psycho savage?" Lexi turned to Zayn.

"Kind of" he replied. "But that makes you look super hot, baby." he changed his answer when Lexi raised an eyebrow at him.

"Savages or not. Keep your money ready, brother."

"But that's not fair. Mom, Ari kills every person I aim at!" he whined and I rolled my eyes.

"Funny how I am telling my daughter to not kill her brother's targets. But we are a mafia family after all." she shrugged.


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