Chapter 8

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What is the meaning of marriage, according to you?

Ariana Parker

I opened my eyes to find myself in a cell. I had a headache. It took me a few moments to remember why I was here. Oh right. Because of Marco.

Speaking of the devil, he had cuffed my hands in the chains that were connected to the walls, 3 to 4 feet away. I tried to pull them with all my force but I knew they weren't going to break. The cuff was long, starting from my wrists up to the area between my elbow and wrists. So squeezing my hand through it wasn't an option either.

So I did the only thing possible. "Marcooo! Come down here you motherfucking bastard!" I started cursing at the top of my lungs and pulling at the iron chains to make more commotion. 

"Shut up." he said as his tall and muscular figure entered through the door. He was wearing a suit which made him look super sexy. And his high cheekbones and jawline.... Stop it Ariana! I said to myself. This man had locked me up here and I was thinking about how hot he looked.

"Why am I here? Get me out of here.!" I pulled at the chains again. I know it was of no use but this clearly annoyed him so, why not.

"First of all, answer a few questions, Ria." he pulled a chair and sat down in front of me.

"This is not a QnA session, and you are not my teacher so, no." I crossed my arms of front of my chest.

"No this is not, but I am the leader of a mafia, and you are my fucking prisoner, so yes."

"Nope, not happening." I shook my head.

"Yup. Happening." he pulled out a gun and a knife from his pocket. He thinks I am scared of that? Definitely not.

"Well, at least ask me the fucking question first." this man has no skills. I mean, who argues about answering the question, before asking it? Our training men and even the rookie teenagers are better than him.

"Who are you?"

"Seeing as I am your sister's best friend, you should know. But if you don't, I am Ria Parks."

"I don't think so. What is your real name?"

"My real name is Ria Lillith George Amanda Jamie Brian Parks. I think there are a few names in there which I forgot, but anyways. You get the point." I shrugged. "Now let me go!" I pulled at the chains again.

"Not so soon. Next question. What did you do yesterday?"

"Same thing I do everyday." I shrugged.

"Give me a proper answer. What did you do yesterday?!" he threw a knife at me which made a deep cut on my cheek. He was getting angry. I wanted to make him angrier. It would make him lose concentration.

"Well, let me remember. Yeah. I woke up, brushed my teeth, pooped, went for a run-"

"Did you kill anyone yesterday?" he cut me off.

"No." I lied.

"Lie. You did kill two men in the alley behind the club yesterday. For more details, you snapped one's neck and stabbed the other in his heart." Thank gos it wasn't the police who discovered the bodies. So I think there was a camera there which I didn't see.

"If you knew, why did you ask?"

"It is called intimidation and I am trying to know what happened and hear it from you." his intimidation was not at all working on me. Little did he know that I was trained to handle these kinds of situations. I was the Queen of the Parker mafia after all. For now, I am the princess but when dad steps down, technically, I will be the Queen.

Ariana ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now