Chapter 27

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' I can't wait to rev you up. Faster than you can say ferrari '

Ariana Parker

I was sitting on my bed, getting some work done for my company when Marco entered my room.

"I took a day off today. I was thinking we could spend today in bed." he plopped himself down beside me and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Or we could do something better. Maybe we could go sky diving or scuba diving. I haven't done that in months." I suggested.

"I really prefer lying in bed all day or doing anything that involves us and sex." Marco smirked.

"Hmmm. And I prefer your lazy ass to do some work. So, scuba diving or sky diving?" 

"Scuba. I'd rather see you in a sexy bikini than a skydiving suit." I rolled my eyes.

"You are really very very horny today, Mr. Russo."

"I didn't clear my schedule for nothing! But let's go. You are happy, I am happy." his last comment made me smile.

I decided to wear a neon green criss cross bikini and the threw on a black frock on top of it.

"Let's go." Marco and I walked towards the car.

"You look gorgeous." Marco ran his thumb across my collar bone.

"Thanks. You look hot." He was wearing a blue shorts and a blue t- shirt with it.

"We have planned all this, but do you think we will get to go without bookings?" He asked.

"No. But if we throw a few extra dollars then yeah." we sat in the car.

"Cool. Let's go."


"Now I have controlled myself a lot. We did what you wanted now its my turn." he threw me in the back seat of the car and shut the door when he was on top of me.

His lips crashed on mine while his fingers reached down and started rubbing my clit.

My hands immediately entangled in his hair.

"Like I said, you are very horny today but I am not complaining." I smirked as we pulled out for breath.

I let out a loud moan as a wave of pleasure passed throughout my body.

"Hmm. That's right. I like that." he suddenly put two of his fingers inside me making me scream in pain and pleasure.

"Marco!" I screamed as I found my release.

Marco brought down his shorts and removed my panties. He reached out to the front seat and grabbed a condom. He slipped it on after ripping off the foil.

He inserted his length inside me while his lips found their way to my  breasts.

A moan escaped my lips as his tongue worked effortlessly around my hardened nipple while his thrusts brought me closer to my orgasm.

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