Chapter 11

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Oh I will carry you over
Fire and water for your love

Ariana Parker

"Guess what happened yesterday night?" Max wiggled his eyebrows, sitting beside me having breakfast.

"You kissed Kaira?!" I exclaimed with happiness.

"Yes that too, but something more important." Kaira chimed in.

"This." Lexi and Zayn, who were sitting on my other side showed me a photo. My jaw dropped. It was me and Marco sleeping while unknowingly cuddling each other yesterday night.

"How do you-" I asked.

"Max and me decided to check up on you after we returned and found you like this." she looked at Max to continue the story. How dramatic.

"And then, I decided to click a photo of yours, just for fun and blackmail." his face turned evil at the last part and then he shrugged.

"That was nothing. I don't even know how we ended up like that. I swear we were sitting on different ends of the couch. I knew I should have sat on a different couch. But how do Zayn and Lexi come in here?" I asked.

"Max here, decided to send this to us. Consider this as a revenge for all the tricks you played on us." Zayn smirked.

"And I know this photo will haunt you forever." Lexi teased.

"I hate all of you. I swear I'm gonna- "

"Good morning everyone!" mom and dad made their grand entrance. everyone greeted them a good morning when Enzo and Dana came too.

"So Kai, are you telling them or am I?" Enzo asked as everyone settled down.

"We have a Mafia family meeting after breakfast, children." my dad announced.

I entered the throne room for the 'Family meeting'. The beaten up photo of Colton Romano was still there on the wall. It was written 'The Enemy' on it with an ex scribbled by Enzo in between. At the bottom it read 'Special thanks to Rose Parker'. My family could be so childish sometimes.

Dad was sitting on the throne with mom in his lap and Zayn was sitting on a chair with Lexi in his lap. Enzo was on the couch with Dana in his arms and Max was sitting on another sofa looking like the only single person in the room. But the only single one here was me. I went and took a seat beside Max.

"So" dad cleared his throat.

"No need to be dramatic, Kai. Get to the point." mom cut him off and dad rolled his eyes. "We missed our morning sex because of this." she whispered in his ear but I heard it, wishing I hadn't.

"Don't worry, babe." he whispered back and kissed her cheek.

"As I was saying, the Russians and the Mexicans have been attacking our warehouses and stealing our shipments lately. We are thinking that they might be working together and might be up to something. And they have been doing the same thing to the Italians. And the Italian mafia has lost a lot of people from their inner circle recently. So Marco suggested that we team up against them." he said. No no no no. I know what teaming up meant in the mafia. But dad had promised me that this won't happen. Why would he do that to me? I wasn't ready for this.

"For officially teaming up, we need a marriage. It has to be either Kaira and Zayn's or Ariana and Marco's. Calm down Ari. I will keep my promise." he said after looking at a panicked me. "I came up with an idea. One of them stays here, with us and one of us goes to Italy, where their estate is." he suggested and looked proud of himself and his masterplan.

"Like an exchange?" Dana asked and Enzo nodded.

"The question is, who will it be?" mom asked.

"Not me. I am taking over the mafia next week." Zayn backed off.

"And I am being second in command." Max spoke up. So that means its either Lexi or me.

"I'll go." I offered. Zayn was here so I figured Lexi wouldn't want to leave him. And besides, Kaira would be there to keep me company so it was okay. "So who'll be coming here?" I asked. 

"Kaira." Enzo replied. 


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