Chapter 14

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They say, "All good boys go to heaven
  But bad boys bring heaven to you" '

Ariana Parker

After finishing packing my clothes and stuff, I headed for the weapons room. Marco and I were supposed to pack weapons for our journey. Don't even ask me why when the Italians have all the weapons we need. Mom insisted on doing that.

I entered the weapons room to see Marco and my brother laughing about something.

"See who finally arrived!" Marco looked at me.

"Let me remind you, I had to pack my bags to go live with you in Italy for god knows how long and that too on a 24 hour notice. That takes time. So no apologies for my lateness. Let's get to the work at hand, shall we?"

"Of course."

"Hmm" I took a gun and aimed at the target board in front of me.

"What are you doing? You will probably kill me while aiming at the bull's eye with that pitiful aim of yours. And no one would want the world to lose a ridiculously handsome, good looking and sexy face." Marco said as he packed his weapons.

"You are none of that. You know that right?" my aim was certainly better than his. Just to prove my point, I perfectly hit the bullseye making Marco's jaw drop. I kept the gun in the crate and moved on to polishing my blades.

"Of course I am."

"No you're not."



"No." he smirked. Poor bloke doesn't know reverse psychology doesn't work on me.

"See? You admitted it yourself." I smirked back.

"But that doesn't seem like it when you were drooling over my shirtless body yesterday. Actually you do that every time you see me." he said, smirking victoriously.

"No I don't."

"Yes you do."

"Help me out here will you?" I asked Zayn who is sitting on the couch staring at the screen, pretending like nothing is happening. But I know he is secretly enjoying this. Bloody bastard.

"What? Oh yeah. She does drool over you, Marco!" he said looking at him and both of them burst into laughter.

"Asshole." I cursed and threw a small knife at him which made a small cut on his cheek, drawing out a few drops of blood and then crashed onto the wall behind him.

Then I walked away angrily. I heard Marco's footsteps following behind me.

"You're a dick, you know that right?" I said as I kept walking ahead.

"Yeah, an eight inch long one." he smirked. I turned around, my eyes a little wide. But I recovered myself quickly.

"Maybe you got the unit wrong, honey." I said walking closer to him and bringing mt lips near his ears. "It's gotta be eight millimetres or maybe, if you are lucky enough, centimetres." I started walking to my room again.

"Maybe we could try out my luck!" I heard him shouting behind. I felt my core tingle and heat rush to it at the thought but I went to my room to do something about my sudden horniness and then get my bags.

"Be safe, honey." mom hugged me, tears leaving her eyes.

"Come on mom, stop crying. I can look after myself. I'm your daughter after all." I wiped her tears.

"I'm going to miss you so much."

"I am too. But luckily, we have a thing called phone. You can call me anytime you want." I hugged her once more and she laughed.

I then went over to Lexi.

"Good luck with my brother. And remember. If you have kids, I am the godmother." I said as she hugged me.

"Shut up!" she slapped my shoulder.

"Who am I gonna swap a killing turn for shopping with?" Max pouted.

"You can have all my turns. But I expect you to buy me the whole mall when I return. The biggest one in the city." we laughed.

Then I went over to hug Enzo and Dana. I never really noticed how huge my family is.

"If your brother is an asshole towards me and I kick his ass, you don't complain." I told Kaira.

"I won't if you won't." she shrugged.

"If you're gonna kick Zayn's ass, call me over to help. I promise I'll take the fastest plane to come here."

"Likewise." we laughed.

"I'm going to miss you so so much." Zayn said, hugging the life out of me. Then it was dad's turn to do the same. If one of them hugged me one more time, I was sure my ribs would break.

"Okay, both of you, let's get one thing clear. I am going to Italy." I stated.

"Oh no! Dad, you lied to me! You said she was she going to France!" Zayn asked sarcastically, looking at dad.

"Shut up. So, as you might know, Italy is famous for it's sexy and good looking people. And if I find a boyfriend there, you won't go all overprotective dad and brother."

"No promises." dad said and Zayn agreed. I raised my eyebrow.

"Okay. Okay. We'll try." I nodded. Getting even a 'We'll try' was very difficult from them.

"Let's go." Marco called me and I waved a final goodbye to my family as I entered the plane.


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