Chapter 25

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Come up with a hilarious or a random situation ( I might make a chapter for them later ;) )

Ariana Parker

"Hey Ari, are you busy right now?" Kaira asked me.

"Not at all. I was thinking of going to the club you told me about." I told her and put the phone on speaker so that I could talk to her and get ready at the same time.

"Oh. Can we have some girl talk right now? I am in a huge mess right now."

"Of course." I said.

"So let me start from the beginning. Two weeks ago, Ashley- a spy who works for Zayn came here. She started hanging out with me and we became friends. Yesterday, she tried to make a move on me and told me she liked me. Max saw that. I rejected her politely because I love Max. I haven't said this to him by the way. And now, Max thinks I am cheating on him or something." she finished.

"Did you try explaining this to him?" I asked.

"Yeah." she said. Max could be a little hard to convince sometimes.

"Where is Ashley now?" I asked.

"She lives nearby."

"Okay. Try to do something which will convince Max otherwise and I will call him later. He can be stubborn sometimes" I said.

"Thank you. Bye! Have a good time at the club."

"Bye!" I ended the call.

I was about to walk down the stairs when I heard Marco screaming 'no' and then something cracked. I decided to check what was happening.

I cautiously opened the door to see Marco throw a vase at the door where I was standing.

"Don't hurt her! Please. I will do whatever you want." he shouted and sat on the floor.

He was having a panic attack. Just like Kaira.

"Marco." I said softly but loud enough for him to hear. "Look at me." I started moving slowly towards him. "Calm down. Take deep breaths. No one is hurting anyone." I held his face in my hands once I thought it was safe. "Think about something that makes you smile."

"Here." I handed him a glass of water a few minutes later.

He drank it while still recovering from the attack.

"Thanks. And I'm sorry." he said.

"There is no need to be sorry." I shook my head.

"Were you going somewhere?" he asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah. I was about to go to a club." I replied.

"I was wondering if we could go out for dinner tonight." I was bummed by his question.

"Y- Yeah. Sure."


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