Chapter 7

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Ariana Parker

"How about that one?" I pointed towards a guy with platinum blonde hair, lean figure and a sharp jawline. "Or that one?" I pointed towards a ginger haired girl that kept checking us out every five minutes.

"Nah. Today I'm feeling like dark hair and maybe badgirl don't mess with me attitude. Someone like her." She pointed towards a guy but her eyes suddenly narrowed and her demeanour changed.

"Hey Ria, I think I have an emergency. Sorry. Gotta go. See you tomorrow. Enjoy!" she shouted over the music and scurried away. My name outside the mafia is Ria Parks.

I took a few shots and decided to leave. I walked down the street to where my car was parked. I was about to get in when I heard a girl's scream coming from the alley behind me. I ran there to see what was happening and checked for my knife strapped to my thigh. 

I saw two men pinning down a girl to the wall and touching her while she tried to scream for help but couldn't, with the hand kept on her mouth. One of them had his face in her neck and his hand on her mouth while the other one was running his hands all over her.

I also looked around to check if there was a camera, so that I could plan my next move accordingly. There wasn't one.

I silently ran towards them and pulled the less bulky man off of her and punched him in the face. The second man grabbed my wrists but I kicked him straight in the balls.

"Go! Run!" I shouted to her.

The first man advanced towards me and tried to punch me but I perfectly dodged it and snapped his neck. He dropped dead instantly. I then turned towards the second man who punched me square in the jaw as soon as I turned around. I threw repeated punches at his face and kicked his shin. The heel of my shoe tore his skin and he fell to the ground in pain.

"That's what you get, you motherfucker." I took out my knife and stabbed him in the heart. But then, I picked a sharp object and replaced it with my knife, If the police found these bodies, they would think that both of them had gotten in a fight and killed each other.  

I exited the alley and saw the girl waiting at the other end of the street. 

"Thank you for helping me. Are you okay?" she asked, noticing my jaw. She looked barely seventeen or eighteen.

"I'm completely fine. You're welcome. Be more careful next time." I smiled to her.


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my doorbell ringing several times. I checked the time to see it was 10:30 am. I guess I overslept. I arranged my hair so that the person at the door wouldn't run away by looking at me.

I opened the door to see Marco Russo standing at my doorstep. I felt a little suspicious but decided to act cool.

"Hi" I smiled. 

"You recognised me?" he asked.

"Of course yes. You are Kaira's brother." And I would never forget your pretty face after my latest mission.

"So, I flew here from Italy yesterday and I wanted to surprise my sister. We haven't seen each other in months. She said she would be here."

"Yeah. She will be here in ten minutes. Why don't you come in and wait for her?" I invited him inside and then went to the kitchen to make some coffee.

"Marco?" I didn't see him when I went to the living room. Something was up. I looked around before I felt a hand grab my throat, pushing me against the wall, making my head bang hard against it.

I saw Marco's face before I passed out.


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