Chapter 30

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'All that you are is all I'll ever need'

Ariana Parker

"Ari! " Zayn called me.

"I'll be right back." I kissed Marco's cheek and walked to Zayn.

"Do you remember Robert Hook from D9?" he asked.

"Yeah. I was the one who employed him." I said after thinking a little.

"So, the thing is, he keeps disappearing most of the time nowadays so I want to put this chip on him to track him. None of us know him personally so it would seem weird going to meet him. Can you do it for me? Please?" he asked.

"Sure." I took the chip from him and put it in my jeans pocket.

All of us sat chatting on the breakfast table about some random movies and shit.

"That was the worst one, seriously. Rose and I were watching it and we got bored in less than 20 minutes." Dana said.

"But Pirates of the Caribbean and the MCU series are undefeated."

"True." Lexi, Zayn and I said while dad nodded.

"There's Harry Potter too!" Kaira chimed in. She looked a little pale today. Mom said something related to a stomach bug.

"That is the best fantasy series ever." Enzo agreed.

"The books are better that the moves though." dad said and Marco nodded. Wow. I didn't know Marco read books. Let alone something like Harry Potter. But then, Kaira is his sister.

Kaira suddenly got up and ran out of the kitchen and then Max behind her.

After breakfast, Lexi and I went to her room to see if she was okay. According to Lexi, she threw up.

"Kaira, are you okay? What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's probably a stomach bug or something. I am sure it will go away soon." she plopped herself on her bed.

"Probably. But this has been happening for nearly two weeks." Lexi and I took a seat on either side of her.

"Come on. Let's watch a movie." I turned on the TV in her room.

Just when we were about to start watching the movie, Max entered.

"Kaira. I need to talk to you." the both of them went outside.

"I don't think I am pregnant." we heard Kaira shouting outside and then stormed inside the room.

"What happened?" Lexi and I asked in unison.

"Dana thinks that I am pregnant and told Max to ask me to take a test."

"So why don't you do that? It's no harm." I told her.

"I'm scared."

"There is no need to be scared, baby. I am here with you." Max hugged her.

"Okay." she sighed. "Does anyone have a pregnancy test?"

"I do." Lexi said.

"Can you find as many as possible?" Kaira asked.

"Of course. I will go ask mom if she knows where to find it."

"Hi Ariana." Marco greeted me as he walked out of his room.

"Hi" I kissed his lips and leaned beside him on the wall.

"Is Kaira alright?" he asked.

"Yeah." I nodded my head. I decided against telling him about her possible pregnancy because we didn't even know if it was true yet and she wasn't ready.

"Cool." he nodded his head. "I was wondering if we could go out sometime. I know you are dealing with Leo's loss and stuff but this is your home so." he trailed off.

"I'd love to." Love. It reminded me. Should I say it or wait till the date?

"Marco I love you." I blurted out and he froze, still processing what I said.

"I love you." he said after smiling. I smiled back and stood in front of him. I captured his lips in my own in a gentle kiss.

"Sorry I gotta go. I have something to do." I pulled out before saying.

"Okay. See you later."

A few minutes later Lexi and I returned with two tests in our hands. I don't even know how mom was able to find one. "I already had one and found another one just to make sure."

"Okay. Let's do this." Max let out a breath.

"Max, can I just be with my friends for now?" Kaira turned to him.

"Sure." he nodded.

"The next few minutes will officially be the worst minutes of my life." Kaira syepped out of the bathroom.

"Tell us what you are thinking till then."

"I am not exactly ready to be a mother right now. But of course if I really do have a baby growing inside me, I will keep it. I might need to use a few different brands just to make sure. If it's negative, I will surely feel relief." she explained.

"It's positive on one and negative on the other. I so want to believe the second one."

"It is okay. I will go get a few other pregnancy tests from the store and we will confirm which one is true." I told them and left to go to a nearby store.

I parked my car and started making my way to the stairs which led to the lobby.

"Ariana!" I saw Manya run to me and started crying while hugging me. "Thank you so much for helping me and my children." I felt something pierce through my neck.

"So sorry to do this. But Dimitri offered me a better deal." she pulled away with a cold expression on her face.

This bitch. She had drugged me!  Were my last thoughts before I was engulfed by darkness.

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