Chapter 21

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'They say, "All good boys go to heaven"

   But bad boys bring heaven to you'

Marco Russo

"Finally." I sighed as we entered the mansion an went into the elevator. I had no more patience left. The things she said earlier had me turned on throughout the fucking ball.

I crashed his lips against her, felling her soft, plump lips and slipped my tongue inside her mouth making her moan.

Once we reached my room, Ariana locked the door behind her and attacked my lips with hers, while I pushed her against the door. It was as if nothing had happened between our previous kiss and this one. She let out a moan which I swallowed as she wrapped her arms around my neck, trying to close the distance between our bodies. I then trailed my lips down her neck.

I reached to the zip of her dress and unzip it, making it pool to the floor around her legs while Ariana stands in front of me only in her lacey panties.

She then reaches for my coat and throws it across the room. I start kissing her neck while she unbuttons my shirt.

"Marco" she said my name and I saw her clenching her thighs together. I like the way she says it while I kiss her soft skin. She whimpers against me. I take my hand and trail it up her thigh where I feel heat radiating from her pussy. I move the fabric of her underwear to the side to see how wet she was.

"Definitely wetter than I thought." I whisper in her ear before picking her up and walking over to my bed and then drop her on the mattress.

"Marco please." she begged.

"What do you want, Ariana?" I asked as I ripped off her panties, tracing slow eight figures on her clit while at the same time kissing her perfect breasts.

"You" she gasped. That was enough for me to lean down to her core and diving into it, kissing her like it was her lips.

God, she tastes so fucking sweet and delicious.

Ariana gasped and brought her hands down to my hair. I hooked my hands around her thighs and she spread them a little wider.


I swirled my tongue around her, staring up at her, seeing her breathing heavily. I pursed my lips to her clit and latched on to it before letting go slowly. I continued doing this making sure she would cum and when she did, it felt like barely a minute.

I watched her shake and grip as I fucked her gently with my tongue. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I licked all of her juices up.

I took off my unbuttoned dress shirt . Then I took off my pant and my boxers, remembering the massive boner I have. I pull her closer to me by her thighs. I look down at her and almost drool at the sight.

"God, Marco just fuck me already." she groaned in frustration and I instantly inserted my dick inside her but a little slowly.

"God, you really are eight inches." she said after I entered my full length inside. I groaned and leaned down on her, hiding my face in the nape of her neck. Ariana moaned as I moved outside and inside again slowly.

I kept going slow even though I wanted to go rougher. Seeing her squirming and wanting more of me brings me so much pleasure.

"Faster." her fingers moved from my hair to my back and her breath hitched in her throat when I shoved myself inside her.

I fucked her harder. My breathing was rough and my hair was a mess from the amount of times Ariana ran her fingers through them.

"Oh my- fuck!" she screamed making me know that I found her fucking spot. I continued fucking her until she cums around me, making me follow right after.

I woke up when the sunlight fell in my eyes. I noticed that Ariana had her face buried in my chest and her arms were wrapped around my abdomen. Even my arm was wrapped around her and our legs were entangled under the cover. She had a cute little pout and an otherwise peaceful expression on her face. She looked so beautiful.

I lied there, staring at her like a creep for sometime before she stirred awake and then looked straight into my eyes with those beautiful green eyes of hers .

"Good morning." I brushed my fingers through her hair.

"Good morning." she smiled with a hint of uncertainty. After a few moments of awkward silence, she cleared her throat. "How do we not make this awkward? I mean, we have to work together meaning we have to see each other every day." she said.

"No idea. It's either ignore or continue." I suggested.

"Hmmm." she nodded, looking at me to say something.

"Last night was good. I don't mind if we continue." I said after thinking a little. It's true. Last night was super good.

"Okay." she got out of bed and put on my shirt. "I am going to go freshen up." she walked out of the room.


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