Chapter 34

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I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you '

Marco Russo

"Mr. Russo" the doctor walked over to me with a pitiful expression on his face. Oh how I would like to wipe it off his face by blowing his brains out. But he was trying to treat Ariana. So, that wasn't an option.

"Yeah?" I asked with an expression that said 'you better make her better or else'.

"Sir, It's been eight weeks and Miss Parker still isn't showing any sign of recovery." my blood boiled at his words.

I grabbed his neck, making him whimper. "She will wake up. You don't know the kind of fighter she is. If you say anything like that again, I will kill you myself. If you can't say anything good, don't say anything at all." I said, venomously.

"I'm sorry, sir." he gasped for air and I removed my hand from his neck. He scurried out of the room.

"Come on, Ariana, wake up." I ran my thumb across her cheek. "Please, Ari." I leant down to kiss her lips but received no response as usual. "I love you."

It had been five days since the incident with the doctor and Ariana still hadn't woken up. But I felt a little relief to know that she was constantly surrounded by her family. I had moved my work here so that I could be there with Ariana whenever she wakes up. I returned to the Parker mansion after work to find everyone having dinner.

"Marco, come have dinner." Rose invited me.

"Yeah. I'll just go see Ariana first." I smiled.

I entered her room to see her sat up on the bed with her knees drawn to her chest. I screamed with shock to see her like this.

"Ariana!" I went and took a seat beside her, holding her hands in mine. But she just looked at me with a confused expression. I took a moment to look into her eyes.

"Marco?" she whispered after a minute.

"Yes!" I kissed her hand and went towards the door to call everyone else but saw Zayn coming here.

"What happened, why did you scream?" he asked in a panicked voice.

"She woke up!" I told him which made him laugh with happiness.

"Mom! Dad! Ari woke up." he shouted as he ran towards her room.

"I can't express how happy I am right now. The last month has been the crappiest month in my whole life." I took her hand in mine and rubbed her knuckles.

"I know. It's isn't exactly fun lying in bed with machines attached to you for whole two months." she smiled. Her voice still sounded a little weak.

"You didn't even know that." I rolled my eyes.

"But I do now." she shrugged.

"I was so scared that you would die." my eyes glossed up with tears.

"I wanted to live. And I am Kai and Rose Parker's daughter meaning my stubbornness is a 200 percent." she held my face and let out a weak laugh.

"That is what I kept telling myself." I smiled.


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