Chapter 16

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' So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back
Leader of the whole pack '

Ariana Parker

It had been a month since I came to Italy and all this while I had done nothing except explore the city because Marco was making no move to start working on the task I was here for. He was always busy with his work. So right now, I was planning to go get a random tattoo.

"Hello, Sofie." I heard Marco speak.

"Hi Marco. Can you suggest me a pizzeria to go to?" I entered his office and saw him talking to a brown haired girl on his laptop.

"There is a place called 'Pappa Antonio's' I will text you the address." He looked at me with an angry expression.

"Okay. Thanks!" She ended the call.

"How many times have I told you to knock before entering?" He snapped at me.

"Compared to the number of times my family has told me that, not much. But if it bothers you that much, I'll do it from next time. Anyways, I wanted to get a tattoo. Do you know the best artist around?" I sat in a chair in front of his desk.

"You know, there is a thing called Google. And when you search up best tattoo artist in Rome, you get all the information you need." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. But because all you have been concentrating on is your mafia and not the reason I came here in the first place for the last month, I get bored. And right now, I came to you to ask because I wanted to pass my time. And thanks, you are helping me get rid of my boredom, simply by arguing with me ." I smiled at him.

"Glad I could help in some way." he smiled sarcastically.

"Don't mention." I returned the sarcasm. "And you told that girlfriend of yours about a place so I don't see why you can't tell me."

"First of all, she is not my girlfriend. I don't need to explain myself to you. And I am not a fucking tour guide." 

"Yeah. You are the capo of the Italian mafia. And you have made an alliance with my mafia to do something about the threats we have. And because you are doing nothing about it, I might as well consider you a tour guide." I slammed the door of his office as I walked out.


I returned to the mansion after getting a random anchor tattoo on the side of my waist.

"Ah, you're here." Marco's voice made me jump.

"Yes I am." I rolled my eyes.

"Got a tattoo?" he asked.

"Why do you care?" I was getting irritated.

"You wanted some action didn't you?"

"Yeah. Do you need it in written form?" I said about to be irritated to death by the person beside me.

"The Russians have been stealing and destroying a lot of our shipments. There is a major shipment of theirs which is stopping at a port nearby. We are planning to steal it. You in?" 

"Hell yeah." 

"Good. Let's go to the meeting room then."

"Okay, so me and my group attack from the east wing while at the same time, Marco and group attack from the west wing. There are an estimated 20 to 25 men in each wing. We will have people in the air to take the things needed and for backup." I explained the plan to the 50+ people sitting in the room.

Finally, there was going to be something exciting tomorrow.


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