Chapter 35

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'The best thing about me is you. '

Ariana Parker

I was sitting on the slanted rooftop of the Parker mansion thinking about the last few days. I had almost been half dead for two months. I can't imagine what my family went through. When I woke up they did feel different.

Suddenly, I felt an arm snake around me and then a kiss on my cheek.

"Hi." I turned around to see Marco with a warm and loving expression on his face.

"Done with work?" I buried my head in his chest.

"Yeah. It's just you and me now." he pulled me closer to him.

I smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "The view from up here is very beautiful."

"Yeah. But not more beautiful than you are." he looked at me with admiration, making me smile again.

After the sun had completely set and the lights around were slightly illuminating our faces, Marco turned to me.

"I want to ask you something." he put a strand of my hair behind my ears.

"Mhmm" I hummed in response admiring his looks in the current lighting.

He pulled a small box out of his pocket and my jaw dropped when I realised what was happening.

"Ariana Parker. Will you marry me?" he opened it to reveal a beautiful ring and an even more beautiful smile when I nodded my head.

"Yes" I hugged him. This was literally the proposal of my dreams. I always wanted to be proposed or propose like this.

"Oh my god I love you so much Marco Russo." I said as he put the ring on my finger.

"I love you too." He leaned in to kiss me. Soon, the kiss turned into a heated one.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and  laid down my back. His lips slowly moved to my neck, marking me but I couldn't care less. I moaned as his hands went inside my top, cupping my boobs and then massaging my nipples.

I moaned again when he stopped.

"Why did you stop?" I asked him.

"Your father." He looked behind me. I turned around to see dad standing in the doorway, hands folded and a scary expression on his face.

"Hey dad." I said as I fixed my top and hair. "What happened? "

"First of all, no sex up here." He said especially to Marco and he nodded his head while I rolled my eyes. I swear I have heard mom and dad up here several times.

"Mom asked me to check up on you and call you for dinner. "

"Yeah I'll come in just a few minutes. Thanks dad." I nodded and smiled.

I looked down at the ring after dad left. "It's beautiful." I kissed him.

"Look who finally arrived." Zayn said as I entered the dining room. I rolled my eyes in response.

I took my seat and started eating.

"Ari!" Lexi called across the table.

"Yeah?" I looked up and she held up her left hand mouthing show.

"Marco proposed?!" She exclaimed loud enough to grab everyone's attention. I looked at Marco and he gave a slight nod in response.

"Yeah." I smiled and then the next few minutes everyone was congratulating him.

I was a little worried about dad's reaction because when I told him we were dating he didn't take it too well. Mom and dad had a fight while mom was convincing him that I will be okay and I can look after myself. But turns out Marco had told mom and dad first.

"Hey guys, thank you for everything you've done for me especially these past few weeks." I said, suddenly getting emotional.

"Aw baby, we're family. We'll always do that for you." Mom said while everyone nodded their head.

Yeah. My family.



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