Chapter 1

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How did you come across this book?

Ariana Parker

"Good morning mom and dad!" I greeted them as I entered the kitchen.

"Happy birthday Ari!" both of them came to hug me. Let me brief you about them.

Kai Parker. The most feared mafia king. But to us, he is just a man who is madly in love with his wife who has him wrapped around her finger and literally the best dad in the world to his son and daughter. Zayn and I got our British accents from him which he got from his mother.

Rose Parker. The fiercest, strongest, most stubborn and sassiest woman you will ever meet. Of course, I am like that too. She too, is madly in love with dad. I want to be able to hold on to that kind of love one day.

"Thank you!" I hugged them back and then the both of them went back to the kitchen counter to make special breakfast for us. Both mom and dad couldn't cook but dad's pancakes and mom's pasta sauce were the best in the world.

"Happy birthday, Zayn!" I went to hug my twin brother who was busy on his phone. He is 12 minutes older than me and a total pain in the ass. I mean, how annoying could one get? But I love him anyway.

"Happy birthday to you too sis!" he hugged me back.

I took a seat beside Zayn and looked up to see that mom and dad were making out against the counter.

"Ew. Mom, dad get a room!" I scrunched my face in disgust and so did Zayn.

"But that is how you were born, Ari." he replied, still caging mom between his arms and the kitchen counter.

"Don't you fucking dare play the 'That is how you were born' card, dad." Zayn said.

"Yeah, we fucking know how we were born." I stated.

"Watch your language." mom said and the both of them went back to making pancakes while Zayn and I rolled our eyes.

"So, where is 'the Black' family?" I asked.

Lorenzo Black, mostly known as Enzo was dad's best friend. The both of them grew up together. Just like Zayn, I and his kids did. Dana Black is his wife. She is a surgeon.

They have a daughter Lexi, who is nearly two years older than me and a son Max who is three months older.

"Don't know about the others but Lexi is sleeping. Had a late night yesterday." he winked at me.

Zayn and Lexi are... well, according to Lexi, its complicated.

"That information wasn't necessary." I rolled my eyes

"Leo, Carter, Mia, Ava and grandma are coming over today. We will be having a family dinner." mom told everyone as we settled down for breakfast.

Leo is dad's brother and Carter is mom's brother. My grandpa, mom's father died of cancer six years ago. Mia is uncle Carter's girlfriend and Ava is their 14 year old daughter. They live in California now, because Ava said that she didn't want anything to do with the mafia and uncle Carter was supportive of her opinion. So they moved there and started a new life.

"Leo?! God, I haven't seen him in like forever." Lexi said.

"Yeah." Max agreed.


"Happy Birthday!" everyone shouted as Zayn and I finished cutting our cake.

"So Ari, how does it feel to still be twenty two when I am twenty three?" Zayn teased.

"Dear brother, if you know any math, which you clearly don't because I am the wiser, badder, and in every way better twin, I am only twelve minutes to twenty three."

"But that doesn't mean you are twenty three, does it?" he smirked.

"Oh shut up you two. God, you still bicker like five year olds." mom rolled her eyes.

"Then I wonder how we bickered when we were five." I smirked and mom rolled her eyes. Works every time.

"Thank you!" I giggled as I looked at my gifts. The most special ones were the set of perfectly balanced blades with my name carved on it gifted by mom and dad and the specialised gun, that too with my name carved on it given by Leo.

"So, how is my favourite teen girl?" I took a seat in front of Ava who was chatting with Leo and Lexi.

"Oh come on. I am the only teen girl you know, don't you?" she raised her brow.

"Yeah, but that doesn't make you any less favourite."

"Mhmm. But I am still not going to tell you who is my favourite cousin. You have been asking me that ever since I was fucking born! I love you both equally."

"So, y'all going clubbing today?" Leo asked.

"Yeah. After dinner. At Ari's club with a few other friends. You coming?" Lexi asked.

"Nah. I am going to spend some time at home. I will be leaving tomorrow." He shook his head.

"Can I come? You own the club so you can surely let me in." Ava said to me.

"Sorry, no. You have a good seven years until you are allowed in clubs and anyway your parents won't allow it."

"And I thought you were the cool cousin." she pouted.

"Come on, Ava. Right now you enjoy your teenage life. You'll get to do all that stuff when you grow up." Leo told her.

"You sound like an old man, you know?" Ava laughed knowing Leo hated being called that.

"Okay. So, how is life in California?" and then she started telling me all about school, friends and this girl she liked.


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