Chapter 6

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Do you believe in heaven and hell?

Ariana Parker

My finals were over and I had finally graduated from college. So now, I had started working on the mission I had.

I sat on a park bench in the town square where there were shops around and this was the general location Lexi provided. The bench was perfectly placed so that I had a good view of all my surroundings. I picked a random book from my backpack and pretended to read it while observing everything and looking for any suspicious activity.

Two hours later I heard my phone buzz in my pocket and took it out to see that it was Lexi.

"Hey Ariana." she said as I answered the call.

"Hi" I replied.

"Got any leads yet?"

"Just for conformation, do you think fifty plus men going inside an pretty successful eyewear shop within the  span of two hours is weird? And I think half of these men know they would look like clowns if they wear a goggle or something."

"Hmm. They look sus. I think you should go check. Good luck!"

"Thanks. Wait wait wait." I said as she was about to hang up. "Can you check if the location chip is working properly?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just a sec. Max, can you see her location?" I heard her ask Max.

"You are at the city square, right? Walking towards the eyewear shop." she asked.


"Okay all good. Max says good luck."

"Thanks." I hung up.

I went inside the shop and looked around for a while. I found nothing weird. I went towards the back of the shop one last time.

Nothing different. Just three shelves. But I noticed that the arrangement of one of the shelves was different than the others. It kind of reminded me of the alphabet chart mom had hung up in our nursery. It was a five by five arrangement and a sixth slot at the bottom of the first row.

I saw a man leaning against the window and talking to someone on the phone. He had eyebrow and ear piercings and a sleeve of tattoos. The most prominent tattoo was a stylish 'R' on his shoulders. I tried to listen to his conversation.

"We need a new S, U, Q, O, and one K for Kaira mam too. Tell them to be here by 3pm. The shipment will arrive by then." he told them and hung up the phone. He said Kaira as in my best friend Kaira. Now I was getting somewhere.

The man walked over to the shelf,  picked a goggle and walked away, giving me a look. I looked back at the shelf and counted the place of the empty slot. It was 18th. Where R came in the alphabet and the man had a tattoo which read R.

So I was guessing once you wear that goggle, it scans your eye and you get entry to the weaponry which I am guessing is in the storage room. Clever. No wonder no one ever found the Italian Mafia's weaponry. They have the best weapons.

Now I just needed to confirm. I had the perfect spy to do that.

I went outside and called dad.

"Hi Ari. Did it go well?" he asked.

"Yeah. I think I know where they keep the weapons." and then explained to him what happened. "Clever. But very much complicated and unnecessary." 

"Yeah. But I don't think its unnecessary. I mean their weaponry hasn't been attacked even once. We have a tight security but ours has been attacked. And I am thinking only 26 people have direct access." he told me

"I need Ashley to do the further investigation." I told him.

So, tomorrow, when Ashley does her thing, my suspicions will be confirmed.

Ariana ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now