Chapter 9

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' Why can't I keep my fingers off you, baby?
I want you, na na '

Ariana Parker

It had been around seven months since the incident in Chicago. I was so happy to be back home without having to go back to college again. I never realised how much I missed my family and going on missions with them. The Mexicans and Russians were being an extreme pain in the ass lately. Their men were always snooping around for information, stealing and destroying shipments and attacking warehouses.

Kaira had went to Italy to spend some time with her brother. But today, she was coming to the States specially to visit me. She would be staying at the mansion for at least a month.

"My favourite bitch! I missed you." Kaira ran into my arms as soon as she saw me.

"I missed you too! Welcome to the Parker mansion." I hugged her back. She pulled out and I looked at the car she came from. The men were bringing her bags. I saw Marco's unmistakable figure step out of the car.

"Please tell me that's not your brother." I pleaded her.

"Sorry to disappoint you bestie. He is. He said he has some business in Chicago. Come on, he is not that bad." she said looking at the expression on my face.

"Whatever. Let me show you your room and introduce you to my family." I put my arms around her shoulder. She had never came here or met my family because of the 'mafia' secret.

After arranging her stuff into her room, I took her on a tour of the mansion.

"That's my brother Zayn and that's my other best friend Lexi." I pointed to them making out in a corridor.

"Aren't they supposed to be cousins?" she asked, seeing them practically eating each other's faces off. Thank got they limited it to the faces. At least in the corridor.

"No. We are not related by blood. It is just our dads' bromance. They call themselves brothers." I explained before clearing my throat. "Zayn, Lexi meet Kaira." I introduced her.

"Hi!" both of them, completely out of breath, greeted her.

After a little conversation, we went to the theatre room where Max was sprawled on the couch watching a movie.

"Hello, Max." I called him.

"Just a sec Ari. This is my favourite scene." 

"I wanted you to meet my friend Kaira." he looked at us like he wanted to get this over with and go back to watching the movie but his expression suddenly changed when he saw Kaira. I knew this expression. It was his 'I am very much interested in the girl in front of me' expression. He fixed his looks a little by running a hand through his messy hair and brushing the food crumbs off his shirt. 

"Hello." he offered her his hand which she shook with a hint of a blush on her cheeks.

"Hi. I know you know me but still, I am Kaira Russo." she smiled.

"I am Max Black. Nice to finally meet you. Ariana told me a lot about you." they stared into each other's eyes, blushing and it felt as if I wasn't even there. 

It's final. I am going to get them together one way or another. My plans starts during dinner.

At dinner, I made sure that Max would sit beside Kaira. Even if that meant I gave up my next to the head of the table seat and sat in Zayn's instead. Both of us prefer to be as close to the head of the table as possible.

Max entered and looked at the different arrangement. He then realized what it meant and gave me a small thank you smile.

"Matchmaking, eh?" Lexi plopped down in the chair beside me.

"Yup. They would look cute together." I looked at Max and Kaira engaged in a deep conversation by now.

"Agreed." Lexi nodded and I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"You are sitting in my seat." it was Zayn.

"Stop being so childish. It's for a reason other than to piss you off." 

"She's playing cupid for those two." Lexi whispered pointing to Max and Kaira.

"Okay. Cool. Now get up so I can sit beside my girlfriend."

"I want to sit with my best friend too. And if you didn't notice, there is an empty place on her right too." Zayn rolled his eyes and took a seat.

"Where's mom?" I asked dad as he entered.

"Your mom and Dana went for a girls' day out."

"Okay." I shrugged and we continued breakfast.


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