Chapter 10

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Ariana Parker

It is Valentine's day today. Literally the worst day ever  for single people like me. Even Max managed to ask Kaira out, all thanks to me. Everyone was going out on a date today. Except me.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed as I took in Lexi's appearance. She was wearing a backless navy blue dress with full sleeves. It complemented her figure perfectly well and also covered the sleeve of tattoo on her left hand. I loved those tattoos. It made her look hotter than she already is. 

Even I had tattoos but I have them in random places.

"You. Look. Amazing." I said.

"Thanks. Now, time for the best friend advice." she sat down beside me and let out a sigh. "I am going to tell him I love him." she had a glint of excitement in her eyes.

"Way to go, girl! Do it." I hugged her, making sure I didn't ruin her dress or makeup.

"Wish me luck."

"Good luck. I know you can do this. And then, if ever in the future you plan to have babies, remember I am the godmother." I grinned.

"Yeah Yeah. Slow down." she laughed.

"Okay bye! Have to go visit the next stop on my Valentine's day dates tour." I exited and walked towards my brother's room.

"Hey bro!" I greeted him as I entered his room.

"Hi Ari! What are you doing tonight?" he asked. Bastard knows I am the only one not going out tonight.

"Shut up pigface. I have nothing to do. And I know usually Max is usually here before you go to a date and vice versa but he too is going on a date so I came. And I still don't know what's so special about Valentine's day that everyone is going out on a date, leaving poor, single me all alone. " I pouted.

"Honestly, I don't know." he shrugged.

"Okay..." I trailed off. "This is the part where you are supposed to tell me something."

"Okay." he took a deep breath and exhaled. "Imgoingtotellheriminlovewithher"

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "I didn't quite catch that."

"I am going to tell her I am in love with her." my jaw dropped.

Both of them were going to say the same thing tonight! How cute. I squealed internally. I am going to ask Lexi all the details the first thing tomorrow morning. Maybe not all. He looked at me expectantly for some kind of response.

"Say it!" I told him.

"But do you think she will say it back? Or at least not take it negatively?" he asked.

"You've known each other from ever since you were born. Of course she won't take it negatively. And its about time you confess your love for her. You have been behind her for around five years!" I replied and decided to skip his first question so as to not give him any spoilers.

"Okay." he nodded.

"Good luck. Now I'm going to the couple number two. Have a great night!" I said and walked towards Max's room.

"Hey Max!" I knocked on the door and walked inside.

"Hi" he replied as he fixed his hair. He was wearing a white button up shirt with black trousers.

"You clean up well!" I said, looking at him.


"Any advice about my date with your best friend?" he asked, sitting beside me.

"Yeah. A very important point. She doesn't do so well with physical touches so don't make a move until you are completely sure that she is comfortable with that." I told him. She had a bad past which she hadn't told me about even though she was ready to do so because it involved another person and she said that the person didn't want me to know about it.

"Thanks." he got up.

"Wait!" I stopped him.


"I don't think she is ready yet. I'll go check and call you. And I ship you guys already." I smiled at him.

I went to Kaira's room next.

"Am I the last stop on your Valentine's day date tour?" she asked, laughing.

"Yeah." I nodded. "So tell me, how are you feeling about this date, Kaira Russo?"

"Excited." she smiled. "So what are you planning to do tonight?"

"Have a date with my Netflix account?"

"Sounds like a plan. I have even called someone to keep you company."

"And that someone is?"

"My brother." she replied.

"What the fuck?! Why would you do that?"

"He is here anyways to discuss something with your father, so I thought, why not.

"I am not at all happy with this decision of yours. You are the worst best friend ever." I pouted. "He is third wheeling my date with Netflix. I am just going to make him sit beside me and watch the movie that I choose. How did you convince him to do this, by the way?" I asked.

"I have my ways." she winked at me.

"I'm ready. Let's go." she said after picking up her bag and exiting the room.

"So here's what we are going to do." I told Marco as we walked towards the theatre room. "I am going to play a movie, we watch it and go to sleep. Cool?"

"Perfect" he replied.

I woke up feeling warm and comfortable. I had a hand wrapped around me and my head was on something more harder but more comfortable than my pillow. Huh? That's new. I opened my eyes completely to find my face buried in Marco's chest and his arm wrapped around me. I moved away from him with the speed of light which made Marco wake up.

He blinked his eyes a few times, trying to take in what was happening and guessing the expression on his face he realized.

"We forget this ever happened." I told him.

"Gladly." he replied in a deep, sexy, morning voice.


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