Chapter 17

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What are some of your favourite cartoons?

Ariana Parker

After stealing the shipments last week, again I had nothing to do. I went to some rings to try to end my hunger for beating someone up. Back home I always went on missions. So sitting at home, and only handling the Parker Industries and no involvement in the mafia makes me bored.

"We have someone to question." Marco entered my room. Finally. I was about to see some action. "And next time, please just check your phone on time and don't make me come see your face more than I already need to."

"You don't need to see my beautiful face if you don't want to. Next time, you can just go hang out with that girlfriend Sofie of yours while I gladly do all the torturing." I said, my voice laced with venom.

"First of all, Sofie is not my girlfriend, she is just a tourist and also my mutual fuck buddy. And during my free time, it's either you or her and she is way cooler." he replied.

"Yeah." I nodded my head. "I know. That's because I am way hotter." I flipped my hair over my shoulder like a queen. His jaw dropped open at my comeback but he recovered quickly.

"Let's just get this over with." he said after mumbling something under his breath and exiting my room with me following behind.

"The person we are about to see is a woman. She was snooping around the estate, that too alone. Stupid." He shook his head.

"For your information, your sister and I are women and we are perfectly capable of kicking some ass. Ever men like yours. So let's not underestimate her." I was enraged at his statement.

"Wake up." Marco violently shook the woman awake.

"W-what?" she looked around trying to take in her surroundings.

"You were snooping around our estate and you have been caught. So do tell me the reason why you were doing that." he started off calmly.

"I-I are you Marco Russo?" she asked looking at him. She had a thick Russian accent.

"Yes. Now tell me why you were snooping around our estate and that too alone." he questioned her while I just stood behind him, observing the woman. I noticed that she had faint stretch marks on her stomach meaning she had probably given birth recently.

She suddenly started sobbing and talking to herself.

Marco grabbed her by her throat to threaten her.

"No please stop." she sobbed harder.

I tapped Marco's back and signaled him to come outside.

"What?" he asked almost irritatedly.

"I think that woman has a child. And if she is working for the mafia I think she might be doing that because they are threatening her child." I explained my theory to him.

"And how do you know that?"

"She has stretch marks on her stomach." I replied.

"Okay. So let's go question her." he turned towards the cell.

"Wait. I'll get her to talk to me. And then, when I tell you, you can ask her questions." I told him.

"But if she does have children, there might be a possibility that she might not put them first or give a fuck about them. I mean, they aren't even here."

"Maybe. I don't know. But let me try."

"You should know. Or else you might ruin it." he raised his voice.

"How would I know anything about motherhood?! I am a woman but not a mother! " I exclaimed raising my voice to match his.

"Give it a try." he sighed.

I went inside an drew up a chair.

"Can you answer his question?" I asked.

"I can't. If I do, either your boyfriend or Dimitri will kill me."

"He is not my boyfriend. And we won't kill you. At least not yet." I mumbled the last part to myself.

"Dimitri killed my husband. He worked for him. He told me to come here, seduce Marco and find out some information from him and when he orders, kill him. When I refused, he threatened my seven year old and six months old sons." she said with a sad expression on her face.

"Hmm. I'll see what I can do. What's your name?" I asked.

"Manya Sorokina." I nodded my head and went outside to tell Marco about this.

"So you're saying we give her some fake information and send her back to Russia and she spies for us helps us?" Marco asked.

"Yup." I nodded my head.

"What makes you think we can trust her with this?" he asked.

"Her children are being threatened, Marco. That's her weakness. We can use it as an advantage. Maybe we will make her take a lie detector test or something." I suggested.



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