Chapter 26

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' Knockin' soldiers down like House of Cards '

Ariana Parker

"Thanks for not being nosy and not asking questions." Marco looked at me.

"Oh its fine. It's your business anyway." I shrugged. "Kaira has them too. It happened when I was around thrice."

"Oh" Marco replied and just then I heard gunshots from behind.

"Great" I rolled my eyes and loaded my gun. "We have got quite the company." I said looking at the eight cars behind us.

This car is bulletproof and has little spikes in the tires, making it difficult shoot at them. Overall, the car was fully equipped for a car chase.

I rolled down the window and started firing at the people who tried shooting at our car.

I made sure there were no other cars around before shooting the tires of the nearest car, making it crash onto the one behind that.

"Get us on an empty street." I told Marco while aiming at the tires and anything that peeked out of the window. I was hitting repeatedly on the glass in front of the driver of the nearest car, making it weak.

There were three more cars remaining. Our car had broken windows by now. I killed the people in one car. Two more to go.

Suddenly, I heard police sirens. Great. People called the police.

"Let's get this over with." Marco shot the men in the car beside us and I shot the tires of the last car making it crash and blow up.

"Now we just have to handle the police." Marco rolled his eyes and looked at the three police cars from the mirror.

He called someone.

"Mr. Silvestri, are you there with the police that is following a Russo car?" He asked.

"Ok then. We will meet at the mansion. Only you will be there. The others can leave. Tell them that this var is stolen and my security team is working on it. You will be coming here to check on that." he instructed the person on the other end of the phone.

We reached the mansion with a polive car following us.

"You were just having a shoot out on the freeway, Mr. Russo. You know, our deal doesn't work that way. You cannot risk the public's life. In fact you cannot do anything that is supposed to be illegal in front of the public." the officer started talking as soon as we got out of the car.

"Officer, we are completely aware of the people in such situations. We won't kill them knowingly. Just take 75 k and shut up about it. Tell them that one of the now dead people stole Marco's car."

"It won't work like that Mrs. Russo-" even before he could finish that sentence, I had my gun pointed at him.

"Who the fuck told you I was Mrs. Russo ?" Marco was trying very hard to hold in his laughter beside me.

" It's all over the news Mrs. -"

"It's Parker. Miss Parker. Call me that once again and the next bullet from this magazine will go straight through your brain." I told him and Marco was on the floor laughing like a madman by now.

"I just said that because its all over the internet. 'The owner of Parker Industries marries the owner of Russo Enterprises.' There were a lot of photos of you both too!" he quoted.

"It's the fucking Internet. Of course its not true!" I told him. We are billionaires. The media writes about us every once in a while. But most of it is fake.

"Oh, the media saw you kissing and stuff and you moved to Italy so... " he trailed off. "Back to the point, what do we do about whatever you did on the freeway?"

"We told you what the story will be, Silvestri. " Marco said. "Stick to it. The money will be with you tomorrow."

"Okay." he replied and walked to his car.

"What the fuck do the Russians want?" Marco asked as soon as we entered the mansion.

"All we know by now is the Italian mafia." I shrugged. " I am tired. I am going to sleep."

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