Chapter 15

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Things your body or mind does which you don't like and would like to work on.

Ariana Parker

We reached Marco's mansion very late at night.

There was a huge gate just like ours. He also had a fountain in between the gate and the front door. The lighting around it was beautiful. Unlike the Parker mansion, there wasn't much nature around here except the huge lawns and gardens. We had a whole fucking forest.

The driver parked the car along with a collection of many other expensive cars and sports bikes. As expected.

Most of the lights inside the mansion were out. Everyone except for a few guards were sleeping.

"You can sleep in any room you like for now. If you don't like it, I will have someone show the rooms to you tomorrow." he said in a tired voice. I was exhausted too.

"How am I supposed to know which rooms are empty?"

"Just open the doors and check. The basement and the west wing on the third floor is for the workers here. Second floor is mine. A few other rooms are occupied."

"I don't have the energy to check all the rooms." I replied and followed him wherever he was going.

"Neither do I have it to show them to you."

"Okay." I said and ran past him to the second floor.

I opened a door to a room which I presumed was Kaira's room. It was the same style as her apartment in Chicago. I opened another door this time, able to find the room I was looking for.

"What are you doing here? This is my room." Marco said, seeing me sleeping in his bed.

"You said I could sleep in any room I like. And I like this one." I shrugged.

"God" he groaned. "Just take the one across the hallway."

"It wasn't that difficult, was it?" I walked out of his room.

I went inside the room and I immediately liked it.

I grabbed some clothes from my backpack and changed into them. After brushing my teeth, I finally went to sleep.

I was on my way downstairs the next morning when I bumped into something or someone.

I stepped back and saw a guy around my age. He had dirty blonde hair and sea blue eyes with a lean and tall figure.

"Hi. You must be Ariana" he gave me his hand which I shook. "I am Dante."

"Hello." I remembered that Kaira had an ex named Dante. I was thinking he was the one. I also know that they broke up on good terms.

"Good morning, Ida." Marco greeted a woman who seemed to be in her 50's.

"Good morning, dear. Who is this young lady with you?" she asked, looking at me.

"I am Ariana Parker. I introduced myself."

"Nice to finally meet you Ariana." she smiled. "I am Ida. I mostly cook for the people here. Do you want to have breakfast right now?" she asked, to which I nodded.

"So what exactly do you do here?" I asked Dante as we had breakfast. Dante was an easy person to befriend. Marco was nowhere to be seen and I didn't give two fucks about it.

"I am everywhere Marco isn't. Not actually everywhere." he replied.

"Meaning?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Technically, I am his friend and second in command but it's like whenever Marco is in Italy, I am the leader in Chicago and vice versa." he explained.

"So you will be leaving for Chicago now? " I asked and he nodded. Just then, a small boy ran inside.

"Papà!" he ran in Dante's arms.

"Good morning, buddy. When did you wake up?" he kissed his cheek.

"9:45. I was able to read the clock correctly!" he exclaimed.

"Really? Then tell me what is the time right now?" he asked.

"10:20!" he giggled.

"Great job! Where were you all this time?" 

"With uncle Marco. But then I came down here because I was hungry." he said and went to Ida to ask her for breakfast.

"He is my son- Adriano." he explained.

"Oh. He is very cute." I smiled.

"Papà, who is she?" he came, with a bowl of cereal in his hand. So he finally noticed me.

"She is Ariana. A friend of uncle Marco's."

"A friend?! I sw-" I stopped when he glared at me. "Yeah. I am a very good friend of Marco's." It physically and mentally hurt me even to say those words and as if on cue, Marco entered. He smirked looking at me. Kill me already. 

"Hey buddy, did you eat something?" he ruffled his hair.

"There is a huge bowl of cereal in his hand if you didn't notice." I smiled sarcastically.

"I know." he glared at me.

"Uncle Marco, papà is taking me on an airplane again!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"That's great!" Marco smiled. 

Dante said that it was going to be just me, Marco and the staff when they left. The next few months were going to be difficult as hell.


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