Chapter 2

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' When I don't care, I can play 'em like a Ken doll '

Ariana Parker

"Happy birthday, boss lady and boss." Alex and Lucky, the main bartenders greeted me.

"Thanks Alex and Lucky. As you know, I have reserved the club tonight so you can come have a few drinks too." I invited them after Zayn thanked them.

"Everyone! The birthday twins have arrived!" Lexi shouted and everyone wished us a happy birthday. The people I had invited were my friends from the mafia. All the younger people from our mafia were divided into two groups. Zayn's and mine. Zayn was their boss and I was the boss lady.

"Come on, I am planning to get completely wasted today." I pulled Lexi to the bar with me.

We drank and danced until I was seeing two of everyone but the sound of gunshots brought me back to sober land.

I walked towards the entrance to check what was happening. I saw a lot of men in black attire, with guns in their hands standing in front of us.

"Now this is called a birthday present. So many people to kill." I smiled to myself. "Who sent this? I need to thank him or her." I asked the man who was standing in the front.

"Doesn't matter. He will end you all." he said and all of them charged towards us.

I took the new gun I had got today. Time to test it. I raised my hand and shot four men one after another. Perfect.

I was aiming at someone when I felt something smash against my head. Hard. I felt like I saw stars for a moment and then there was stinging around my eyes. It was a beer bottle.

I turned around to kill the person but Sasha beat me to it.

"Thanks Sasha." I blinked, trying to prevent the alcohol from entering my eye.

"No problem, boss lady." she smiled and went away.

The person with who I had talked to earlier was approaching me. I immediately shot the gun out of his hand. I preferred hand to hand combat with him. I always preferred hand to hand combat with the leaders.

Whenever we are attacked by someone we know nothing about, we have a rule. 'Kill all but the leader.' I was planning on keeping this one alive for questioning.

I landed a few punches straight on his face weakening him. Then an uppercut under his jaw. I was about to knock him out when someone grabbed me from behind.

Before I could snap the guy's neck, he slashed his knife straight from my elbow to my wrist, making a deep cut there.

Only a few men were left now. They would be dead in a minute. I walked towards the man I was fighting earlier and grabbed him by his collar.

"Now I am going to take you back to my house and I am going to have some more fun." I said in a fake sweet voice.

"I will never- " someone shot a bullet in his head.

I looked around to see that it was the last one alive. He had a bullet in his chest. He would die in less than a minute.

I looked at my arm to see that it was still bleeding very badly. I took off my top, revealing my Victoria's Secret underneath and wrapped it around my arm. Others had already used all the first aid kits.

I called a few men to come take care of the bodies in my club.

"You will not be going around like this. People are staring. I don't like it." Zayn said as we walked towards our cars.

"Some asshole made a cut in my arm. My top is helping me slow down the bleeding." I told him.

"Here. Wear this." he was about to take off his shirt but I stopped him.

"I have a coat in my car. I will wear that okay?" I rolled my eyes at his protectiveness.


"Dana, I need your help!" I called her, standing outside her room when I heard the kissing sounds from inside stop. Oops.

"I am so sorry if I interrupted something." I said as soon as Dana came out of her room, wearing Enzo's shirt.

"What happened?" she asked after nodding.

"Some people came at the club and there was a fight. I got hurt." I unwrapped the top around my arm. "I just wanted to make sure if he hit any serious blood vessels. This happened forty minutes ago." 

"No. No serious blood vessels but it seems like a few small ones are hurt. Do you want my help stitching it up?" she asked after examining the wound.

"No but thanks. I prefer to do it on my own. Sorry again."

After stitching up the wound, I went downstairs. One of my men had called me, saying he wanted to show me something important.

"Ma'am, I think you need to see this." One of the men taking care of the bodies called me.

"We were searching their bodies when I found this tattoo." He pointed towards a particular tattoo on the dead man's chest.

It read 'Loyalty for life' in Spanish. The Mexican mafia mark. So it was the Mexicans.

It was always easy to identify them because of their tattoo. Unlike ours, theirs screamed that it was a mafia mark. No one knew what was the American mafia mark because our people had many options once they were told to get a tattoo with a human figure wearing a crown, with a 'P' embedded somewhere in the tattoo. I had mine on the side of my boob.

"We have to find out what they are up to."


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