Chapter 12

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I love the light in your eyes and the dark in your heart

Ariana Parker

We had been planning stuff and trying to get information for the past week. Marco and I would be leaving sometime this week. He was living at a hotel for a few days but then Kaira convinced him to stay at the mansion because the hotel was pretty far from here and he took a lot of time just to reach here with the traffic and all.

I put on my sports bra, legging and sports shoes, ready to go to the gym. I entered the gym to see Marco doing push-ups there. And he was shirtless. I don't even know why all the guys need to be shirtless all the time. But in all, it was a heavenly sight. His biceps looked bigger than they already were as he did the push-ups. 

Marco noticed my presence and looked up at me, smirking at my reaction. I quickly went away to wrap up my hands. I was planning to punch the punching bag and then do my other workout.

"Wanna spar?" Marco asked as he got up to wrap his own hands.

"Okay." I agreed. I was more than happy to kick his sexy ass. "Let me warm up first."

After I was done warming up, I put on my black gloves and stepped in the ring. 

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready when you are." He adjusted his stance.

"First one down for 5 seconds wins." I told him.

"Okay. The only rule is to leave the other person alive." he said.

"Cool" I said before making my first move and kicking his throat. He was taken aback by the force of my kick so I used the moment to lunge at him and knee him in the stomach. He recovered himself within seconds and threw a punch in my jaw and then a combination of punches in my ribs and stomach. One of the punches hit my boob and it hurt like a bitch.

I managed to dodge a punch and kicked him in the ribs and started throwing a series of punches at him. He backed away, standing up to his full height and started circling me as if I was his prey. I observed him to notice that he was planning to knock me down by sliding his feet from under mine.

So before he could do that I kicked him in the chest, making him fall to the ground on his back with a groan.

Next thing I know, he has his hands on my ankle. He pulls me down making me land on the ground with a thud. My head landed on his rock hard chest making me groan in pain. That hurt.

I removed my head from his chest and laid it on the ground instead. I turned my head to him and saw that he was staring at me intensely. I looked into his blue-grey eyes. We stayed like that for a few moments before he cleared his throat and sat up.

"You're not that bad, you know?" he smirked, offering me his hand.

"I know. But you were the first one to hit the ground. And I am pretty sure you were down there for more than five seconds. So I win." I smirked back, taking his hand to hoist myself up.

He hummed in response when his phone started ringing saying, 'Meeting with Kai in 15'.

"Oh right. We have a meeting with your dad in fifteen minutes. See you there." he said before leaving the gym.

I also returned to my room, deciding to take a shower before going to dad.

I entered the throne room to see dad sitting on his throne while Marco sat on a couch. I took my seat on the couch opposite to him.

"What happened?" dad asked pointing to my jaw.

"Sparring. Nothing serious." I looked at Marco to see that he too had a few bruises from earlier.

"Okay. So, when are you leaving?" dad asked.

"Tomorrow morning." Marco replied.

"Tomorrow?! And when were you planning on telling me this?" I asked.

"I'm telling you now." he shrugged to which both dad and I glared at him.

"Make it afternoon or evening. I have packing and other things to do. I have to go visit him tomorrow." I told the last part to dad, to which he nodded.

"Okay. Then be ready by tomorrow 6pm. We'll take my plane."


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