Chapter 29

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I was in the shower when Marco unlocked the door and entered.

"You can come in." I smiled sarcastically.

"Thank you very much. Straight from Chicago to your shower." he started undressing and within seconds he was with me in the shower. 

"How is everyone?" he asked while wrapping his arms around me.

"Everyone is coping in their own way. Dad by getting drunk, mom telling dad not to or getting drunk with him. Enzo and Dana remembering memories of his and getting drunk and us kids just trying to pretend everything is alright while feeling his loss. Everyone including me is getting drunk. Dad and Enzo practically raised him, you know?" I got some of it off my chest.

"Yeah." he nodded while wiping the tears off my face even though the running water barely showed the tears. I don't even know how he knew I was crying.

He cupped my face and leaned down to gently kiss me. I placed my hands on his chest. Unlike others, this one was a slow and passionate one.

After sometime, we pulled out, gasping for breath. A sudden urge of wanting to taste him filled me up.

I looked in his eyes and started leaving a trail of kisses from his neck to his V. I got on my knees and placed a kiss on his balls.

Then I started swirling my tongue around the tip of his hard on while looking him in the eye, making him groan in frustration.

"Take me already." he held the back of my head and slammed his whole length in my mouth, making me gag.

I started moving my mouth up and down his cock. A moan escaped his lips as I increased the pace. Hearing him moan with pleasure made me orgasm.

He ran a hand through his hair as he reached his climax. His length twitched inside my mouth and found its release.

"That was so good, baby." he said as I swallowed all of  his cum and smirked.

After cleaning ourselves up, I put on one of Marco's t-shirts and lay down on the bed, snuggling up to him. 

"I love you." he said as his arms wrapped around me. My body instantly tensed at hearing those words.

Did I love him?

I don't know. But my answer was leaning towards yes. But I couldn't get myself to say it back just yet.

I looked in his blue-grey eyes with a smile on my face. Then I leaned in to place a kiss on his lips.

"There's something you need to know." I placed my hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

"Hmm." he indicated to continue.

"I had a boyfriend during my senior year. His name was Harry. We first met during mafia training. He joined the mafia to pay for his grandma's treatment. He worked for my dad. One thing led to another, we started dating and then fell in love. Then, he died during an attack at our mansion. It's been four years and still I can't just erase how I felt about him. I mean, I still love him. Don't you think it's unfair?" I said looking up at him.

"To whom?" he furrowed his eyebrows.


"I don't think so. Like you said, you can't just erase how you felt about him. But one thing I know is that this is completely fair to you." he looked into my eyes, his eyes full of love.

"Thank you." I kissed him again.

"So, any ex girlfriends I need to know about?" I asked trying to lighten the situation.

"No." he shook his head. "But now that we are talking about the past, I need to get something off my chest. I want to tell you about my dad."

"Go on."

"My dad started training me from ever since I was five years or so. He said he wanted me to become the kind of leader he wanted me to be and the mafia needed, now that we were controlling the entire Italian mafia after the Romanos were killed." he said and a smile appeared on my face.

"Yeah. Thank my mom for that." he smiled back.

" My dad wanted me to be Cold. Heartless. Ruthless. So he started torturing me. He even starved me and kept me in a cell for days. Seeing this behaviour of his, my mom decided to run away with me and Kaira but dad caught her. He killed her on the spot. He kept Kaira only to marry her off to some other leader and expand the mafia. He had it decided from ever since she was two. When I started to get immune to his beating and torture, he brought in Kaira. He started doing the same to her only to see me in pain. I tried to protect her the best I could. But I was only a boy then. When I was 12, my father asked me to kill someone. He gave the gun in my hand. I was so mad at him for doing all that to Kaira, me and mom that I killed him, instead of killing the person in front of me. I felt nothing but relief after doing that. So I started killing people. That is how I became the most ruthless killer. My second uncle handled the mafia until I came of age, then asked me to take over and died. I think of the mafia as nothing but a burden. But I do it anyway. On the other hand you seem to enjoy all this. It's as if this is what you were born for. And that has made me somewhat enjoy being in the mafia more. You make it seem like an adventure." he finished.

"First of all, I'm so sorry, Marco. Your dad indeed was a very twisted person. Good riddance. And what he did to the both of you explains a lot about your behaviour and Kaira's fear of physical touch and panic attacks."

"Yeah." he nodded his head.

"And I am glad I inspire you in some way."


"Lots of heavy talk tonight. Let's go to sleep now." he sighed and then placed a kiss on my forehead.

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