Chapter 24

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' I didn't know that I was starving till I tasted you '

Ariana Parker

"Hey Max, I'll call you later. Bye!" I hung up as Marco walked into the room, shirtless.

"What happened? " I asked.

"Can't sleep." He smirked.

"Okay." I smirked back and walked towards him. I crashed my lips on his and started kissing him. He kissed me back hungrily.

Marco walked us towards the bed and we laid down while still making out.

I flipped us over and then grabbed handcuffs from the bedside table. I locked one cuff to the bed and other on his left hand.

"What the fuck?" He pulled out, looking at his cuffed hand. Meanwhile I did the same to his other hand.

"You kind of hurt my feelings yesterday. This is your punishment. And of course, I love torturing and teasing people. " I smirk and get off him.

I walk to the end of the bed so that he has a perfect view of me and remove my oversized shirt leaving me in only my lace panties. I then pull off his sweatpants and boxers. Moving my hair to the back, my hand travels down to rub my pussy while the other squeezes my boobs.

I moan as I take a look at Marco's full hard on and then at his eyes glaring at me.

I step out of my panties and grab a vibrator from one of the drawers and turn it on.

"Get me out of this!" Marco said angrily as he struggled to get out of the cuffs. I sat on top of him and started using the vibrator.

"Ariana!" He pulled on the cuffs. "I swear I am going to kill you." He growled.

"Try it." I giggled and ran a finger along his lips.

Just as I was about to orgasm, Marco pulled the cuffs so hard, they came off the headboard, breaking it.

"Enough of the punishment." He took the vibrator from me and threw it across the room before flipping us over roughly.

He took the keys and uncuffed himself. He then grabbed a condom from his pants and put it on.

"I am going to fuck you so hard you will be wishing you never did this." He roughly pulled me by my thighs towards him.

I screamed with pain and pleasure as he inserted fully inside me.

Soon the room echoed with sounds of Marco's grunts, my screams and moans and the sound of our skins slapping against each other's.

"Marco!" I screamed as I found my release, him following right after me.


I woke up with my thighs sore as fuck. I looked beside me to see Marco on his phone.

I tried standing up but fell back on the bed due to the soreness. Marco had a victorious smirk plastered on his face.

"Fuck you!" I tried standing up again and was successful with great amount of efforts.

"Yeah. That's what you get for doing what you did yesterday." He said and got up to help me to the bathroom when he saw that I was struggling to do that.

"Thanks. By the way you owe me a new headboard." I said looking at the broken one.


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