Chapter 31

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'Hold on I still want you'

Ariana Parker

"Marco. Be ready with the papers of your mafia. I have Ariana Parker. I will tell you the location in half an hour." I recognised Dimitri's voice on the other end of the call and before I could even say anything, he had ended the call.

I called Ariana's phone to confirm. It was switched off. 

"Fuck!" I shouted and ran my hands through my hair.

"Zayn! Kai! Come down here!" I called them from the living room.

"What the fuck Marco? Why are you shouting?" Kai asked.

"Dimitri has got Ariana." I told him and saw him get the same reaction I did.

"What did he want?" Zayn asked from the doorway.

"The Italian mafia." I replied. "He said he would tell me their location in half an hour."

"We have got time to prepare, then. I will go call everyone." Kai went out of the room.

"We can track them down right now." Zayn said after a few moments. "I gave Ari a tracking chip to place it on one of my men earlier. She hasn't done it yet, meaning that the chip is probably still with her." he opened his phone.

After a few minutes, everyone entered the room.

"I've got it. She is about an hour away from here." Zayn told everyone.

"I'll gather men and we will leave in the next ten minutes" Enzo announced.

"Wait!" Kaira stopped him. "The Mexicans are around too. Meaning, if things get out of hand, the Russians will call for their help. I say we make two groups. One goes for Ariana while the second one goes to the Mexicans. Make a deal with them or wipe them out." she suggested.

"Okay. Kai, Enzo, Zayn, Lexi, Dana and I along with a few men go to the Mexicans while Kaira, Marco and Max go for Ari with three quarters of the men. We will join you as soon as we are done there." Rose suggested and everyone agreed.

"I will get the papers just for the worst case scenario." Kaira said after everyone left.


"Let's go." Kaira stepped down the stairs ready to go.

"Come on." I turned around the same time Max said no.

"Whatever happened, can you please hurry? That maniac has my girlfriend." I snapped at him.

"Kaira you have to go to the safe house. I'll text you the address." Max told my sister.

"No! We don't even know if I am pregnant yet! The test could just be faulty." she frowned.

"What the fuck?! She is pregnant?" I glared daggers at both of them because no one told me.

"Marco, calm down. We don't know yet. One test was positive and the other was negative. But I am keeping her in the safehouse. Please, baby." he turned to her. 

"Fine. Be safe, okay?" she hugged the both of us.

After driving for almost half an hour, Max, I and our men had reached the location. It was a six storey building with open fields around it and then surrounded by thick forests for miles. 

Sneaking up on them wasn't an option because of the open fields.

"I've got a plan." I said through my earpiece to everyone. "I go in and distract them. After the next five minutes, you get in. Start firing. Kill them all." I ordered.

I walked in with a few weapons strapped on me and a gun in my hand.

The room was full with men.

"Welcome, Marco Russo." one of them said while the others laughed

"Boss is on the rooftop. If you do anything you are not supposed to, you pretty little girlfriend will be dead within seconds." A man said after the laughter died down.

I went to the rooftop, ready for anything.

"You actually came!" Dimitri laughed like a maniac. Ariana was in front of him. Bastard was holding her like a shield so that I couldn't shoot him while at the same time had a hand around her neck easily able to choke her with just a little pressure.

"What do you want, Dimitri?" I asked.

"Marco Russo. The ruthless killer." he laughed again.

"Yeah. I know who I am. Now give me my girlfriend back." I rolled my eyes.

"You walked right into my trap." he had a crooked smile on his face. "You yourself created the weakness I wanted you to create. Love." he sounded so much like my dad. Suddenly images of him torturing Kaira flashed before me. I was about to have a panic attack when I thought of Ariana calming me down when I had one before. It calmed me down a bit.

"Shut up!" I would never ever give up what I had with Ariana. Even if it made me weaker or stronger. I considered her as my strength. She made me better in so many ways.

"Now, now. Let's have a little patience shall we? I have drugged your pretty little girlfriend here so she should be out for another half an hour or so." he took a pause. Within the blink of an eye he had flipped Ariana so that now she was hanging off the edge of the railing with Dimitri's arm supporting her.

"I want you to call that little side chick of yours and tell her to hand over your mafia to my son. Put the call on speaker. And if you don't you never know when my hand might just loosen the grip." he loosened his hand a little to demonstrate and she slipped but he caught her.

"Now do that will you?" he ordered. Shit. They had got to Kaira. She had only a few men with her.

I called Kaira. I don't know why I was hesitant to give away my Mafia. I had never wanted this life anyway. But ever since Ariana came into my life she taught me how to actually enjoy it and not think of it as a burden. Now, I was finally happy but these two motherfuckers are taking it away from me.

Kaira answered the call. "Hey Kaira. I know Dimitri's son is there so I want you to give him the papers of our mafia to sign. Put the call on speaker." I told her. Tears of anger were burning my eyes.

"But Marco-"

"Just do it. He has Ariana."

"Okay." I heard some shuffling on the other side. "I hope you have a pen. If you don't then your whole plan just went down the drain." I heard her say.

"I am completely ready." Alek replied.

"Is it done?" Dimitri shouted.

"Yes dad." his son's reply came.

"Good. Now say goodbye to your girlfriend, Marco." he dropped Ariana.


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