Chapter 20

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' Don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo '

Ariana Parker

I looked at myself in the floor length mirror. The dress was a floor length, black ball gown and I looked perfect in it. But I needed to put the top part a little properly. I was half done putting the dress back on when I heard the door unlock.

"Ariana are you-" he started as he entered the room but his jaw dropped when he saw me. I wasn't wearing a bra and the top part wasn't on. I quickly put the dress back on while his lips lifted into a smirk.

"Fuck off. Don't you have the manners to knock?" I asked reaching back to zip my dress.

He walked towards me, until he stood right behind me. 

"Why would I care for manners? I am a monster, after all." he whispered in my ear while reaching to zip up my dress and purposefully brushing his fingers across my bare skin, making goosebumps appear.

"Because, if you are a monster I am the queen of monsters, the baddest bitch of the mafia." I said in a low whisper, turning around and tracing my fingers along his perfectly sculptured jawline.

And before I knew it, his lips crashed on mine and he was pushing me against the mirror while one of his hands was on my neck and the other grabbed my ass. I immediately responded and wrapped my hands around his neck pulling him closer to me. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip asking me for entrance which I granted. Our tongues fought for dominance but I gave up letting him do his thing.

His lips then travelled down to my neck, kissing below my ear on my sweet spot, making me moan in pleasure.

 He was about to pull me to the bed when I pulled out.

"We have a ball to go to, right." I said, panting for breath from the intensity of the kiss.

"Yeah. Right. To be continued." he winked and left the room.

I quickly fixed my dress and my hair, applied some mascara, eyeliner and lipstick and was ready to go. But I was still turned on from that kiss. It felt really, really good. 

The ride to the ball was filled with sexual tension. So was our time at the ball. All Marco was doing was talk to random people and fake smile while I followed along. No one really recognized me. My name was popular in the mafia, not my face. What was even the point of this shit except free food and drinks? Maybe a little dancing. Finally, after three, long hours we reached back home after Marco snapping at the driver every two minutes to hurry up and 'Get us the fuck back home'.


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