Peter Parker: English and Larb

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Peter Parker x Reader-One Shot

Summary: It's your birthday and you're having a sucky day at school because there is an English project you have to do and actually construct something, but you're not too good at constructing with your hands. (If you are...pretend?) You end up going to a study group with your friend Betty to get some advice and help and everyone breaks off into pairs for what they needed to study. Of course you get paired with the super smart Peter Parker because why not? Oh! You're also best friends with Betty Brant and Peter and you have had the whole classic "I like you too" vibe, but always are missing signals!

Warnings: Wholesome

Y/N-Your Name 

Y/E/C-Your Eye Colour


"Betty please don't make me go." I pleaded as I held onto her pale and somewhat cold hand, trying to hold her back. "Because. You need to help and you always say you're going to join us, but then always skip." she whips around, crossing her arms and gives me the look. 

"Because stuff always comes up!" I try to defend myself. "Yeah? What?" she asks while raising her eyebrows. "....Chinese food and research?" I squeak out. "Research on what?" Betty presses on, I can feel my cheeks heat as I know what I'm about to say is not helping my case. 

"" I mumble out, "Really? What am I going to do with you?" she rolls her eyes dramatically while grabbing my hand and rushing us through the library and into one of the conference rooms. I only recognize three people besides Betty herself, MJ who doesn't really like people, Ned who is Betty's ex boyfriend, and finally Peter Parker, the smart one. 

"Ned!" Betty practically squeals, the heck dude, why so loud? Ned's head instantly shot up along with MJ and Peter's, all staring at us. Not to mention everyone else who was confused by why Betty had to scream when he was only about four to six feet away from her.

"Hey, Betty." he simply said as she dragged herself and I over to their little group. Everyone had their notes and whatnot out that they needed to study. "This is Y/N." Betty beamed at the trio "Oh, you finally showed up." MJ retorts. This...this is going to be horrible. 

"I..." I trail, feeling embarrassed. "I didn't mean anything by it, I just meant that it's nice to see you." she tries to cover, obviously feeling bad. "It's okay." I say, barely above a whisper. "So...what did you need help with?" Peter tried to change the topic. "I have this English project where we have to make a book report cake thing. For extra marks I'd have to make a diary from the point of view of a main character." I say, noticing his science pun shirt. 

I know he wears these a lot, but I never get the chance to read them. "Oh, I can help you with that, I did that like last week." Ned said while flipping through some of his papers until he stares back up at me. "Actually, Peter got a better grade on it, he should help you." I eye Peter looking confused, but quickly recovering, nodding along I mouth an OK. 

After everyone paired up and Betty forced me to sit with Peter, things went along swimmingly. He practically made it all himself and asked me for the information and began making the cake construction. I just watched him in awe for the most part as I told him about the book and asked him about him. 

I sighed after he almost finished the paper cake, topping it with yellow sticky note paper taped balls. "What's wrong?" he asks as he slightly turns his attention towards me while checking boxes off the list we made earlier. "Nothing." I dismiss. "Something obviously." he smiles while capping the neon yellow highlighter he stole from my backpack. 

"Not really, it's just my birthday. I wanted to grab Chinese, but Betty insisted I come." I explain, I could see the gears turning in Peter's head as a smile forms on his lips. He turns his head towards mine, practically giving me whiplash. "It's your birthday?" "Yep. I'm seventeen as of today. Woohoo." I sarcastically smile. 

He stays silent for a second. "You want to pack this call up and we can go somewhere to celebrate. If you want." he suggests. I nod as I carefully place everything into my second bag, making sure the paper cake does not smash. 

I hop up, seeing Betty, Ned, and MJ eyeing us. Hmm, that's weird. Peter quickly had us dash as we headed down towards where he lived, taking a metro in the process. Anytime I asked what he was doing, he'd tell me it was a surprise. I was going to die for sure. 

He took my hand softly after dashing away from the metro, we ran hand in hand to The Prachya Thai, not exactly what I had in mind, but it's food. "Ever have Thai?" he asked, I shook my head no as he sat me down at a table, he pushed his sleeves up and cracked his neck a bit. 

"What are you doing?" I asked, curious and admiring his jawline slightly. It's extremely sharp, how odd. "Nothing, just need to stretch, slouching all day sucks." he notes and smiles at me. He looks adorable and it's odd how I'm thinking of him this way. 

We chatted over our classes, joked over Tony Stark, and even theorized about Spider-Man who I totally did not fangirl over or say I have a huge crush on. I could see he blushed when I told him that, I don't understand why, but maybe it's because he never had anyone say something like that around him. 

Once the food arrived I was skeptical to try, I don't usually eat foods outside of my comfort zone, but Peter was really nice and bought it, so of course I tried it. It was made beautifully, but I don't like this food. I mustered every muscle in my body to make sure I wasn't rude and spitting the food out. 

It actually started to grow on me to be honest, not super yum, but it was good. Peter told me that his aunt even once said I larb you instead of I love you when he was sad and I told him that was the most wholesome thing I ever heard. We talked about his aunt for a while, and it was nice to hear about how she took him and how strong she is. 

"Peter, this is really nice, no one ever really did this for me. Thank you." I sputter out, feeling a little anxious. "Yeah, of course." he sent an awkward smile my way. I went to grab my water when Peter went to grab his, conveniently placed next to mine. Our fingers brushed against each other, pink dusting our cheeks. 

I smile as I finally feel the butterflies in my stomach turn angry. "Peter." I state whilst waiting for his eyes to meet mine. He hums as his wonderfully dark brown eyes met my glowing (y/e/c) orbs. "I larb you." I giggle as I see his face became as red as a tomato. He covered his mouth as I saw his smile spread wider than the Grand Canyon. 

"I larb you too." 

Ahhhhhh, how was that for my first try at a One-Shot?

 Horrible, I know, I know! 


-E.E. Barnes

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