Peter Parker x Reader: Remember Me

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Y/n's POV

Nothing but my own screams filled the air, my ears fell deaf, my lips chapped from screaming. Pleading and begging the lords to leave him alone filled my chest with the anger I wish I could have used, yet found useless as my arms and legs are tied together. "Let him go!" I screamed over and over, the tears hot and prickling down my face as they abuse him. They kicked, they punched, as much as he fought back, they fought twice as hard.

One of the lords had taken the butt of his gun and striked it against the bone of my brow, immediately wincing and turning to my left, unable to hold my head. "Shut the fuck up." the lord growled, spitting onto the floor. His legs stopped kicking back, his restrained grunts stopped at their punches. Slowly looking up to see him, to see why he stopped fighting back, my entire world came crashing down.

The blood spurted out onto the floor of the shambled apartment, my body froze, they turned to me. "This is a warning." one of the lords said as they ripped the knife out from his abdomen. They untie me and give him one last kick, blood smearing across their shoes. "Grey." I hissed as I wobblily make it towards his body, careful to not touch near his stomach. "Y/n, get Loretta, now!" he hissed, shoving my arms away.

Running downstairs, I had flung open the door to Miss Loretta's diner, everything coming to a standstill. I was standing in the doorway covered in blood, sweat, and tears. "Miss Loretta!" I gasp out whilst spotting her. "It's Grey, please come!" I plead, she quickly grabs her First Aid kit and rushes with me upstairs, the sight of it all, all the blood smeared across the apartment.

Sitting on the sidewalk, I take in the ruthless cold air, warmth immolating off of the glass windows behind me, Miss Loretta's storefront. Tears prick my eyes as I let out a sigh, people passing by me, no one acknowledges me. Taking in a deep breath, I shake my head, standing up, I turn towards the door. The cool metal stinging my fingers, opening the door as quickly as I could and stepping inside, the noise dissipated.

"Miss Loretta." I greet, she stands behind the counter wearing a black shirt with her storefront name on the back-everyone who works here has one. Her black bottom pants always belled at the end, I always wanted those type of pants. "Y/n," she hurries over, "anything you want, it's all on the house." I shake my head, "I can't do that, Miss Loretta. I brought money." I feel my eyes becoming more and more puffy.

"Y/n, everything is free tonight okay? You can stay here whenever you need. Peter, come here." Miss Loretta instructed as she was rubbing my back with her right hand. Miss Loretta has always been like a mother to Grey and I, now it's just me. "Yes, Miss Loretta." a young boy comes out from the back, his hair looks slick with sweat, his face red and chest puffed.

"Take Miss Sue and go seat her, will ya?" Miss Loretta advises, Peter gives a fake smile as he takes out a a menu from the stand, guiding me to a booth that rests on the wall, it's the farthest from the door. The mid-island like wrap counter is placed on the far left, that way anyone who wants to be in the centre of attention can be.

Miss Sue...a smile forms on my face. Miss Loretta always called me Miss Sue ever since Grey took me here. Our apartment is right above here, you know. We were really young and I couldn't spell soup right, I'd always just right Sue and say 'Good 'nough'.

I sit down in the book, on the left hand side, sitting in the middle, I slowly look up to meet his gaze, my own eyes puffy. "What can I start you with today?" he offers a cheerful smile, his t-shirt hugs his chest rather tightly. "Just a water, please and thank you." I respond as sincerely as I could, feeling empty lately doesn't do well even with manners.

"I'm right on it." he smiles and heads off. I don't need this menu, but I don't feel like I can talk much. Fingering the laminated menu flap, I admire the smoothness, someone clears their throat. Looking up, I notice Mister Zellweger, he comes in every Tuesday and makes sure to buy someone a meal to pay back the kindness he's been shown in his life. He goes on about it sometimes to brag, but it's really nice to see.

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