Bruce Banner x Reader: Three A.M. Shushes

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Bruce Banner: Pay Attention To Me 

Status: Fluff 

Warning: Kissing-Slight Smut, Implied Smut at the end 

Summary: You need him to pay attention to you, he's been really busy lately and practically has forgotten about you. 

Five calls, he's missed five calls and I don't know what to do, my chest feels like it's caving in. I rush to knock on his door as fast and as loud as I could, my chest heaving up and down as if I just ran a good mile. 

I hear his groggy grunt as his footsteps approach the door, whipping it open, his right hand covering his eyes. "What?" he barks out, not looking to meet my eyes, he's only left in his green and blue plaid boxers. 

"You wouldn't answer your phone." I sniffle out as I rub away stray tears that formed and stained my warm face. His head snapped up as he looks up at me, taking in my depressed state, "Y/n, what are you doing here? It's three in the morning." he groans out. 

Wiping away the tears I just shook my head and immediately wrapped my arms around his shoulders, standing on my tip toes just to be able to reach his shoulders. He wraps his arms around my back as I buried my face into his neck.

"Y/n, I'm sorry, it's been really crazy at the lab and I-" I pull back instantly and press my right index finger to his lips, shushing him. I shake my head as I buried my head back into his neck, pressing soft kisses as I held back my tears. 

All I wanted was to be in his arms for the past three weeks and I finally got it, I just want to stay like this forever. I love him so much. I let my right hand glide up into his hair, softly grabbing fist fulls and massaging as best I could to make him comfortable. 

I felt him grind his teeth as he had to refrain from moving his head back. Slightly nipping at his neck, I feel his fingertips press harshly against the skin on my back, slightly bruising, but that's the last thing on my mind. 

I push him back as I continued my work, walking on the balls of my feet, I use my free hands, my left hand, to slam him door shut. I felt his hands glide over my sides and down to the backs of my thighs, gripping them twice, harsher than he's ever done before. 

"Dammit, Y/n, jump already." he whined, a small giggle escaped my lips as I pulled back slightly and jumped as he wanted, giving into his begs. As he managed to lock both his hands under my thighs and my legs around his waist, I begin to bite harder on his neck, not caring anymore. 

He left me for three weeks, I'm going to make sure I torture him as much as I can, maybe he'll do something about it this time, or maybe it'll go somewhere farther this time. He quickly turned us around so he could see where we were going, he held me tighter into his body and a slight sigh left my body as I began to enjoy every single second, soaking his presence in, getting drunk just on his cologne. 

With every step he took it made me bounce slightly, and my legs shifted a little, having to relock themselves a few times, but nothing too annoying, his grip was much tighter than a few seconds ago, before he dropped me down onto the bed. 

A little gasp eluded me, a wide smirk on his face, an evil, mischievous smirk on his face, oh, this man! This man is up to something and I know it for a fact!  "Three weeks, three weeks too long, I can't believe I made it past a day, dammit, Y/n." he growled, taking my legs in both his hands and moving them so each leg was on each side of his. He moved himself between and laid on top me, careful to not squish me. 

He moved his mouth onto my throat, pressing soft kisses up to my haw and back down to my neck, repaying the gracious favour I bestowed upon him only moments before. Harsh bites and soft tugs at my hair as his fingers tangled into the strands. 

Moments pass of his marking my neck up, smiles broken onto our faces happily. "Is this what you want? What do you want, Y/n?" he asks as his fingers glide up my shirt, resting comfortably along my sides, not ready to move any farther. 

A smirk flows onto my lips as I lowly whisper out "I want you to pay attention to me." he smiles back and presses two soft kisses onto my lips, "I won't ignore you again, I promise." I nod as my fingers trail back into his hair, gripping ever so slightly. "I think you need to make it up to." I playfully let out as I sigh, feeling my stomach rise and fall in an uneven pace. 

Our eyes stay connected as he slowly slinks back, rolling down my body and his hands travel down as he slides, never breaking eye contact once. I swear I got one of those hot flash things, it drives me crazy when he does that. "Guess I have to make it up to you the best way I know how." he teased, as he kneeled onto the hardwood floor, his fingers just above the waistband of my plaid bottoms. 

"Let me pay attention to you." he breathed out whilst biting his lip, making me swallow thick saliva down my throat, hoping it wouldn't get stuck. A tingling sensation of butterflies swarmed my stomach as I laid back and awaited for his attention, smiling as I looked at his bland, white ceiling. 

"I love you, Bruce." I giggled out as his fingertips brushed my skin, tickling me slightly. "I love you too, Y/n." he returned while managing to rip under the waistband. Three weeks, five phone calls a day, finally, finally, I get my attention. 

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