Loki: WBN PT 3

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"That's not how I remember it." I chuckle out, feeling my body move against his. "Well...maybe not at first..." he admits. "You literally knocked out the tray from my hand that had your breakfast in it, the breakfast we prepared for you." I huff out, slightly able to feel how the hot oatmeal felt against my face as it dropped to the ground and splattered.

"I'm sorry." he chuckles as he readjusts his hands to fit a little tighter about my stomach. "I think that's the first time I've ever heard you say that." I giggle out as I wiggle out from his grasp. "Where are you going?" he questions, hot on my heel. "Well, since we've had to move to Midguard, we've all had to get jobs." moving into the kitchen, I start to gather the pots and pans and put them up onto the countertop, picking up the bigger pieces of glass from the window and placing them onto the opposite side of the counter.

"So you're going to work." Loki points out and picks up the smaller pieces of glass that you can see, I'll need a broom and pan for the rest that shattered. "You never explained why you broke through the window." I turn towards him, he's already close, about a foot away from me. "Well, I didn't know if they were sending me to my doom." he pieces together slowly. "So you cost me a window with no way to pay me back." I level with him, coking my eyebrow at him. "Essentially, yes. I'll find work around here though, I can try..." he smiles down at me, the look in his eyes, I know that look.

"Not go off and try and avenge your other selves death?" I question, meeting his eyes, that damn look. "No point really, they're pretty much all dead from what I heard. Plus, I think it's time to settle down." Loki's smile grows wider. "Hmm, you'll have to earn your keep, there sonny." I laugh as I poke him in the chest. "Sonny? What are you, an eighty-year-old man?" he jokes. "Hey, been around a lot of different people with you gone." I sigh, looking down, still feeling guilty. Why should I be guilty? it isn't like I'm moving on, it's still Loki...I'm still grieving from losing him...should I have pushed this Loki away?

"Hey, don't look so sad. I'm here now, I'll do anything I can to protect you, promise. And when the times right we can go from there. No pressure, let's just take things slow." Loki comprises, a smile put upon both of our faces. "Did I ever tell you how much I adored you?" I question, the largest smile appears on my face, my phone buzzing against my back pocket. "I'm sure you adore me the most, I am the best, you know." he jokes and scrunches his nose.

I love how remarkable his teeth look, always so white and sparkling, always perfectly shaped. He always keeps himself composed and clear. Those times when he rages though, they hold a special place in my heart, I always loved how he would fight anyone for me, anyone who dared to hurt me. "You're so full of yourself." I mock as I pull out my phone, receiving an alert from my alarm to start getting ready to go to work. "What do I do while you're gone?" looking up from my phone, I can see the slightest bit of a pout twisting his face. A crack starts to fill itself back in, slowly, but surely, the cracks are starting to heal.

"I'll have Thor come and help you find a job, just gotta find out what you're good at." I shine a bright smile, "Maybe I could try to fix the window?" he offers, "Thor could help, we can try to fix it whilst you're gone today. You know I'm good with working with my hands." he boasts, whilst sending me a wink. Rolling my eyes, I shake my head and raise my right hand to his bicep.

Slightly gripping as I capture his gaze, in the sweetest tone I could muster, "If you ruin my house, I'll stab you." I smile sweetly, the same type of way he'd joke with me. "Just don't kill me, I can do with a little pain." he warns. "I'm serious, we don't have much, and money is scarce. Please don't ruin my house or I'll have you sent to the hospital. Unfortunately for you, America bleeds you dry for hospital needs." Loki's eyes turn wide, "America is a bloody money mosquito." he exclaims, a small chuckle earned. "I'll have Thor come over, you stay put on the couch." I warn as my hand slowly drops down and leads back to my side.

"Yes, Darling." he chuckles as he makes his way to the couch, plopping himself down and quickly springing back up. "Heh, uh, Darling? Would you possibly have any...comfortable clothes?" Loki questions with an awkward clenched smile. "Uhm...not really? I can give you some cash and you can have Thor take you shopping." Loki nods and tries to get comfortable, I smile as I go into my room and change into my uniform. Grey short sleeve zip up top that was too baggy for me, a black t-shirt underneath, and black leggings. Grabbing some money from my wallet, I grab an envelope and shove it in there, writing Loki's name on it then Shopping Trip underneath.

Thor tends to be an impulsive buyer, so I'm trusting that he'll do a good job and just get him one or two sets of clothes. "Dear, I'll be out for a bit, back around five or six, okay?" walking into the living room to see Loki trying to figure out how to use a TV, I can't help but subside a chuckle. "Dear?" "Hm?" he turns to look at me, the remote not even facing the right way. "You gotta hold it like this." I correct, a very faint pink dusting crosses his face, a smile arose on us both. "What do you wanna watch?" I ask, trying to set him up before I head out.

"I have no clue." he looks at me dead in the eyes. I flip the channels and end up just going to Netflix and choosing My Little Pony the Series (G4). "Darling, this looks...childish and very bright." he comments. "Suck it up, watch one episode, okay? It's my favourite." I plead, he nods reluctantly. "Fine, fine. Just because it's your favourite. One episode." he voices. "Good, now behave whilst I'm out, okay?" "I'm not a child." I turn back to stare at him, eyebrows already cocked. "Okay, fine, maybe a little. But still! I'll be fine, go, go!" he pushes on, shaking my head, I leave. Before I head out to work, I make sure to send Thor the text to come and take care of Loki for clothes and the window. I really hope they don't break it or the rest of my house. 

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