Loki: WBN PT4

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Finally got out of work, my feet are killing me, all I want to do is lay down. At least there's a bit of sun left, I hope the window is fixed. Getting out of the car, I slam the dark blue coloured door, I can see Thor and Loki standing outside of the house near the window. Though, I can hardly tell it's Loki with his regular clothes on, I only got the assumption through his hair.

"Y/n!" Thor booms, a smile on his face, his frame hides the window, I wonder if they hired someone to do it for them. "Darling, what a pleasure for you to join us." Loki remarks with open arms, shaking my head, I give into his hug. His body radiates heat onto mine, not wanting to let go. Reluctantly, my arms slide out of his and he slinks his right arm over my shoulder. "So, what do you think?" Loki grins proudly.

Taking my first look at the window, I raise my eyebrows a little too high. The wood they put up to act as a boarder was practically falling off, the glass was about to break with the way they jammed it between the slabs of wood, Gods, this is a train wreck. "So?" Thor asks, he too is excitedly proud. "I...love it." I smile harshly, the feature cutting into my face unevenly. "You hate it." Loki pouts with narrowed eyes and dipped eyebrows. "No, no, it's really...quite nice." I try again to harbor their feelings.

One of the pieces of wood slowly falls off of the house, the nail coming with it. The glass shattering in tens of pieces, littering the ground below and most likely my counter. Silence stood for a moment as we all just looked at the damage. "I'll call a repair man." Thor takes as he heads inside, "Yeah." I quickly mutter out as I sigh. "I'm sorry, Dear." Loki presses his chin to my head, huffing out in frustration. "It's okay, you tried your best. Just don't break through anymore windows, cause this is going to cost me a fortune."

"I won't, but still, I really want to make it up to you, even more so with you lending me money to get clothes." Loki whines out a tad, he always loved to be independent, I don't think he's ever really depended on anyone before. "As long as you find a job and stay under the radar of whatever is left of The Avengers, then you've paid me well enough." grasping his hand from round my shoulder, I bring it into my left hand, dragging him into the house to sit upon the couch.

"You're still watching My Little Pony?" I giggle out as we sit down, though he slightly pulled me rather on top of him than next to him. "No...I just turned the TV on for some noise when we got back to fix the window." Loki awkwardly shares another smile. "Mhm, sure." I tease with a nod, "Hey, you know I'm a God, I don't get invested in something so childish." he tries to cover. "What happened to Cadance and her wedding?" I question quickly, "Chrysalis faked being her to marry Shining Armor." he responds while playing with my hair.

"You're totally into the show, especially since you're in season two." I scrunch my nose and shake my head a little at him, him mirroring me and rubbing his nose on mine. "I'm going to go get changed, I'll be right back." standing up, I feel Loki pull on my right hand now. "You're not going to admire my outfit?" he questions, looking offended. "Oh yes, Dear. You look marvelous, dashing, delightful, and the most handsome upon any other creature." I recite from when he'd ask me the same question years before. "Honestly, you like it?" I nod as I take in the scene before heading to my room to change.

The way the grey-blue sweater fit him perfectly was a good change of scenery from the leathery green and black. Not to mention how soft and warm the fabric felt, it was like a little slice of a greatly used blanket, in the best way possible. The dark blue jeans he wore just seemed odd on him after seeing his attire the same for years and years, yet it felt like a comfortable fit. Never have I seen him in such relaxed attire before, even when we were children, he'd always cover anything that was deemed to relaxed near anyone who is not royalty-even during out meet ups at night.

I wish this could last forever, well...this chance I mean. This is my second chance at happiness, maybe the Gods are on my side and are trying to give me my true love. Though it sounds silly even just thinking about it. Everything about hum feels the same, the way his skin feels so warm, yet cool. The way his skin is so smooth compared to everyone else here since we moved to Midguard. His features are so delicate, almost like paper, so beautifully white, yet if you upset the paper, write on the paper, it is smudged and it takes a while to fix it. When Loki gets upset, when he cries, his delicate, snow white skin turns to a beautiful reddish pink mixture, though it pains me to see him cry, it's such a beautiful sight.

As I start to take off my uniform, I eye a rather large dark green t-shirt, it's a t-shirt that reminded me of Loki during those five years, it was one of my impulse buys, but I don't regret it one bit. Slipping it on, I sigh, only thoughts of Loki running through my mind, yet this time, it's not of my original Loki-my dead Loki. It's about this one, my new Loki-my friend, someone who I'm still madly in love with.

The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the way I can see the blossoming love within his eyes. Oh how new love sprouting is a look of which never gets old, especially on his face. The way his fingers curled around my shoulders all night long, even when we were sitting on the couch. The way he felt so protective of me, it's been so long since I've seen a pair of eyes that love me, that want to be with me.

I love every part of his presence, I love how different he feels, the excitement he brings into my life. It feels almost dangerous, and with life being predictable, routine, and plain, it's nice to have someone come in who's unpredictable, like Loki. Everyone here seems to either have grown bland, or to have grown apart, it seems to be difficult these days to get together or make friends here.

Knock Knock

"Y/n?" Loki asks through the closed door, "Come in." I let through the door, smiling as my back's turned. "Hey, beautiful." Loki welcomes as his hands slowly clasp together, loosely around my waist. "You're certainly lovey today." I point out, wide smile on my face. "Well, what can I say? I'm falling for you more and more each moment I'm here." "Oh, no that's cheesy." I giggle out as I feel his lips hover over my neck, pressing soft kisses alongside the crook of my neck.

"Didn't you used to love grilled cheese?" he questions, just letting his lips hold their place on my neck, the warmth connecting to mine wonderfully. "Still do, I make the best by far!" "Sure you do, remember when you tried to make one without the staff knowing and your burnt it?" he chuckles, the sound is heavenly to my ears. "If I remember correctly, you ate it and asked for seconds, so don't tease me, Mister." I huff and pout. "Got me there." he gives in, spinning me around.

For a moment, we just stared at each other, studying the features of one another. I can practically feel my lips vibrating and rushing with blood, Loki steadily leans forward, a smile on his lips, before I knew what was happening, we started taking steps backward until we hit a wall-rather, I hit a wall and he pinned me against it just by his gaze. "Where exactly did you learn to leave a God so powerless, darling?" he whispers, the desperation in his voice clear as day. His left hand holding against my right side, softly caressing with his thumb. His right arm held up against my head, placed against the wall. Tension so thick, you could cut it with a knife. 

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