1940's! Bucky Barnes x Reader: R. M. Pt. 3. 1940's!

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1940's! Bucky Barnes: Hey, Sugarplum 

Status: Fluff

Summary: Bucky gets a big surprise 

Bucky's POV (Present Day)

"I love you." I mumble as I cuddle the pillow tight to my chest, hoping and wishing it was Y/n. "Hey, Sugar." I hear a familiar voice gasp out as the door to my apartment bursts open, I quickly move off of the floor to look at the door. My eyes widen in horror as I see the face of my best girl, my best girl who should be dead.

"Y/n...? H-How?" I ask, my chest heaving and head spinning, her arms are behind her back and I can see two people standing behind her. "It wasn't easy, but you're welcome." I hear Zemo's voice come from behind her, pushing her through my apartment that Sam probably told him about. He appeared only seconds later with a smug look on his face, how the hell is she alive?

"We had insiders in the states too, you know." Zemo chimed in, she couldn't even meet my eyes. "You've certainly changed." she remarked, a slight psychopathic smile on her lips, one that always scared me in a way, but God was it attractive as all hell.

"You didn't. How the hell do you look like that?" I ask, covering myself up as I notice I was only in my boxers. "Cryogenic tanks." she answers, I can see the sadness in her eyes. "You were Hydra the entire time?" I ask, my heart breaking. Was she just using me? All that time? How? I knew her since we were kids, there was no way.

"Not the entire time, only after you shipped off, they took some of us to recruit us." she sighs, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, even to this day. "You-" I start, but Zemo cuts me off. "You can bicker and fight all you want, but you realize how she isn't killing anyone?" he notes, pointing to her eyes.

"We have some emotions, you know." he scoffs, "Emotions? You kidnapped and recruited my girlfriend after you took me for what? In case I earned it?" Sam sighed, Y/n's beautiful lips quivered, almost as bad as that morning I shipped off.

"We were going to let her out when we realized you, but...well things got messy." Sam interjected with "So here she is!" and he raised his arms excitedly with a smile on his face. "Bu-," she starts, seeing how I flinch at the words.

"James, I'm still me. I was upset and sad, I didn't know what was right or wrong. Isn't it important that I'm here now? That we can pick up after you shipped?" she asked in her small voice, the voice she used whenever she was hurt or abused at home and needed an escape.

I look into her eyes, opening my arms slightly for her, she smiled as she came walking over slowly, Zemo pulled her back first to undo her chains for whatever reason those were for. She slid into my arms and I instinctively wrapped them around her.

"I love you, Soldier." she smiled into my neck, the same smile that always made my heart beat faster. "I love you too, Doll." the tears that I only shed for her and death escape my eyes, rolling down my face. She pulls back with a smile and uses her thumbs to rub them away. "Don't cry, my Love,"

"I'm here now." she smiles, that smile makes everything fall and I grabbed onto her tight, hoping she won't disappear like I did to her. "I forgive you, you know. For not sending me letters." she teased, a sad laugh escaped my lips as I pecked a kiss onto her neck. "I'm sorry, I guess I have to make it up to you, don't I, Doll?" I question, feeling the old flirtatious feelings from before everything went haywire.

"Yes, you do. I'll take a kiss, but I'd rather have a home." she smiled at me, those beautiful lips curling into the beautiful smile of hers, I think we need to continue were we left off the night before. "A home? What would be in there?" I question as I feel nothing around us.

"A bed, a couch, and a husband named Bucky Barnes." she smirked, "Oh, that was smooth." I teased and she rolled her eyes. God, I don't care how this happened, this worked out perfectly. I have my best girl back and that's all I'll ever need.

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