Steve Rogersxfem!Reader: In Love With A Villain PT1

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Steve Rogers: Always The Wrongs Ones, huh

Status: Fluff

Summary: Steve falls for you, yet with your good intentions, you always go about the worst ways, the most...lethal

"Did you just.." Steve stutters, "Just almost kill Tony? Yes." I smile. "You can't just almost kill everyone who picks on me." he smiles with a small nod of his head. "I'm supposed to protect you, no?" a devilishly sweet smile playing about my lips, a soft sigh escaping his. "You seriously don't understand boundaries do you?" he asks sarcastically. 

"Have I ever been one for boundaries? I think I've crossed every single one of them with you, and yet here we are, ay Cap?" a comfortable silence hung in the air, a sadistic smile on my lips. Tony scoffing in the background. "You put up one hell of a fight, but what the hell? I could have died." Tony remarked as he sat back in a chair. 

"All fair in love and war." I ring out, "Wouldn't we both have to love him? I sure as hell don't love the old geezer." Tony aches as he sits up in his chair. "You're the war, my dear." I smile. "How about we just take it down a notch and maybe just...go?" Steve sighs as he wraps an arm around my shoulder, softly caressing the side of my face. 

"Hmm, fine." giving in, I turn and grab his hand. Pulling him out of the Cabin and back into his car. Taking a long drive, there's nothing more calming I've seen, just the look of focus on his face, the indentations are marvelous. It's almost like every time I'm with him, I fee like I'm doing the best I've ever done. Less like a monster, more like a human. Love is one thing I've never experienced much, but Steve. Steve's the most loving human I've ever met, no wonder I feel like he can fix me, he probably feels the same way. He's always trying to fix things whether they can be repaired fully or not. 

"You know, he isn't so bad. You never give him a chance." Steve's nods along to each syllable that leaves his mouth. "He doesn't give me one either." I note. "Well...he had cause for that, Y/N." I huff, "What cause? I've been nothing but pleasant." Steve's side eyes me with his raised eyebrow almost off of his own forehead. "Okay, maybe not all the time, but I have been nice!" I exclaim, turning towards the window and crossing my left leg over my right. 

"You have..." he pauses, "Why do you always fight everyone? You practically try to kill anyone who tries to mess with me. I'm 105 years old, I think I can handle myself." he exhausts with a tired smile, loving at best. "'s a long story." looking out the window, a pang of guilt rips through me, eyes watering ever so slightly. If only he knew, if only he knew how hard I tried to stop being the person I was born to be. How I was marked for my own good, how I was tortured. If only he knew it was me that day. 

I fear that if he knew, no, I know that if he knew, he'd be the one to kill me this time. He wouldn't try to protect me, he wouldn't try to fight for me the way I fight for him. Years ago, I never would have thought I'd fall for him, only a mission of which I thought he was a buffaloing jerk that  needed to be taken down. But even then his kind heart shone true, the guilt, I couldn't handle it anymore, would he even recognize me if I told him? 

Thank you so much for over 5K reads! Ah, it's been a bit since I last wrote on here, but I'm on a roll today! Don't forget to check out some of my other work if you're interested! Thank you all so much for supporting this book! 

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