Loki x Reader: The Beast

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Loki: I Can't Change

Status: Fluff? 

Word Count: 769 Words

Summary: Loki thinks that he will always be the beast inside that everyone thinks he is. 

I can hear the front door slam and heavy footsteps approaching behind me. His deep voice muttering under his breath. "Loki, what's the matter." I smile as I turn around with a square wrapped present in my hand. 

"I had the absolute worst day!" he angrily yells as he flips to face me, fear slightly filling my heart. "Everyone keeps treating me like I'm some monster! No one ever cares about what I think, they just want me to do whatever they want like some dog." he sits onto the couch, head in his hands. His black hair messily placed around his slightly sweat coaxed face. 

"Maybe you should talk to them, they'll listen to you." I smile as I try to move closer, the gift behind my back and a smile pressed onto my face. "Talk to them? What are you, an idiot?" he scoffs while grabbing the nearest book and flipping through the pages in a huff. My heart slightly breaking the moment he calls me an idiot. 

"Oh, you!" I huff as I chuck the gift onto the nearby kitchen counter and slamming the fridge door open and close whilst grabbing a bottle of water. "You know I'm not a hero, Y/N. Just a beast who's got you whipped." he venomously spits. 

I slam my hands down onto the counter and walk over to Loki, plucking the book out of his hands and throwing it to the ground. "You are not a beast, and you do not have me whipped." I cross my arms and let out a heavy sigh. 

"Not a beast? Then what do you call me?" he sneers as he stands up, shoving his face in front of mine, scaring me slightly. "Scared." I sneer back, clenching my jaw. "I'm not scared, I'm the God of Mischief and Lies, who or what would I ever be scared of?" he scoffs and turns around, walking towards the door. 

"Not being liked." I whisper under my breath, "What was that?" he turns back around rather quickly. "Not. Being. Liked. You always need the people you care about to like you, everyone does. But you don't know how to deal with anything so you resort to the only thing you know how. To act like the so called monster you think you are. You aren't even a monster, you were treated less than you should have so you acted out for attention. Loki, you aren't a beast at all, you're scared and need some love." I giggle out as I sit on the couch where Loki once sat. 

"I stand before you as myself, every illusion stripped away, do you still say I'm not a beast?" I turn my head to see Loki in his truest form, his Frost Giant form that has always captured my heart. "Not a beast, not a human, just a Loki." I smile as a tear rolls down his face. 

"You just need to calm down and think before you get all angry, don't work yourself up." I lay my head back on the couch, rubbing my stomach a little. Silence grew thick as he stood there staring at me, I get up and grab the square gift and head back towards the Frost Giant. 

"Open it." I demand softly while forcing his fingers to wrap around it. He sighs as he looks down at the dark green wrapping paper, slowly tearing it apart with his slender fingers. A picture frame being revealed, a picture I've waited for months to have the picture framed perfectly. 

Loki stumbles back a bit, covering his mouth as he falls to the ground, his cape wrapping around him. He holds the picture frame so tight that his knuckles become light blue, almost white. "Y/N..." he breathes out shakily, tears forming in my eyes, the happiness filling my cracked heart. 

"I just want to be normal." he bangs his head accidentally against the wall, a slew of curses escapes his lips. I sit down next to him, swiping the fallen hairs away form his sweating face. A press a soft kiss to his temple with a smile, his skin is clammy, but I don't mind. I stare down at the photograph that he's still fixated on, I smile as I look over the smile inducing photo. 

A terribly blurry sonogram framed in his hands, a cute smiley sticker pressed to the glass. "Being normal is boring, my Love." I smile as he digs his head into my chest, his left arm coiling harshly around my side to hold me tight, aware of my stomach. 

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