Steve Rogers x Reader: The Park

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Steve Rogers: New Look

Status: Friendship/Fluff

Summary: Steve always goes to the park as a little escape away from all of the horror and action. He always sees you doodling on the ground when he's there, but you look different today. 

Steve's POV 

Finally, I think I got away with this again. I love going to the park, but with everything constantly needing saving and help, I never get time to myself. The park is the one place I can go and not be interrogated, sure the occasional photo is taken, but for the most part, it's relaxing. 

There's this girl that I always see sitting on the ground when I go to the park, she's always drawing on a sketch book and listens to music the entire time. Sometimes she doesn't listen to music or draw, just sits there and hides in the shade with her black shirt and black leggings, her shoes are yellow sometimes, pink or blue on others. 

As I walk into the park and smell the fresh air from all of the trees and shrubs, a smile appears on my face, a cold water bottle in my hand as I start to head towards the usual bench. I see some kids smile as they see me while they play on the swing set and the slides, it's cute. I can't wait to have kids of my own, hopefully, some day. 

I look to my right and notice the girl that always sits there looks different today, she's still in her shaded spot, but she's wearing ripped light grey jeans, pink sneakers, and an olive green shirt with a white Earth on it. 

She also has makeup on today, the red eyeshadow formed around her eyes make the whites pop and her Y/C/E coloured eyes look beautifully radiant. She had a set of coloured pencils with her this time instead of just her regular pencils, looks like someone is in a better mood than usual. 

Today's the day, I'm going to say hi to her, I have to, I can't just keep looking at her like a creep. I walk over while taking a deep breath in, here goes nothing. "Hi." I say a little awkwardly, she stares up from her sketch book while pulling out her earbuds. "Hello." she sweetly and melodically rings out. 

"Happy today?" I raise my eyebrow, immediately regretting what I just said. She looks down and smiles and lets out a chuckle. "Yeah, got some amazing news today." her smile is so beautiful, gosh. "Mind if I join you?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Join away." 

Sitting down next to her, I notice what she's been trying to make this entire time. "You like Captain America?" I ask a little giddy. "No, I totally hate the guy, I just draw the symbol of him to recognize his puny existence." she sarcastically bellows out, a laughs earned from me. 

"You should really try to hide more at this point, you're screaming 'I'm Captain America', it's kind of cute." she smiles while putting down the light blue pencil and picking up the dark blue pencil. "What would you suggest?" she pauses for a moment to think, "Maybe you could get one of those high tech things that basically give you an entire face mask sort of deal." she jokes. 

"I could consider asking for it, but you'd have to help me design it." I smirk, is this flirting? Dear God, I suck at this. "I'm horrid at drawing faces, if I was good at drawing faces, I would draw them instead of a shield or symbol." she says whilst looking directly at me this time. 

She has light shimmering gold and green eyeshadow on top of and below the red around her eyes, it's really beautiful. "I like your eyeshadow. It's really pretty." I smile and she returns one. "I thought it looked nice, trying something out." I nod as I look over her drawing a little more. 

"Why do you come to the park?" I ask, leaning a little closer to her, "Well, it's kind of a quiet and save haven considering the world we live in." I nod along and stare at the strokes her pencil makes, creating small, textured stripes across the paper. 

"I'm Y/N, by the way." she smiles up at me, "Steve, of course you already know that." I let out another breathy chuckle. "Beautiful name, Y/N, it's...pretty." she laughs at me, "Not used to flirting, are you?" I shake my head. "Not, not exactly." I chuckle out. 

"Well, you're doing good so far, keep it up and you might get a date." I have a feeling she's playing hard to get, but I don't know her all that well. "I can do this all day." I smile as I see how she gets slightly pink. "The ever so known catchphrase, Mister Rogers." "I get an upgraded one every hundred years." I joke and she snorts, God, that sound's beautiful. 

"Well, are you going to keep going or is your catchphrase going to outlive itself?" she questions. "Like I said, I can do this all day." I smirk as she leans up locks eyes with me, her face is really close to mine, she's making me blush. God, she's making me blush so hard, my face hurts. 

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