Peter Parker x Reader: Say My Name

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Status: Smut

Peter ParkerxReader

The way his hands feel on my body, the way his skin ghosts mine almost tauntingly.

A moan escaped my lips as his lips trailed over my neck, his tongue drenching the soft skin. The way his fingers danced along the waistband of my barely exposed underwear tickled my skin.

"Keep going like that Darling and I won't hold back." he growled in my ear, he's never been this dominating before. A guttural groan escaped my throat, a soft smack was brought down upon my outter left thigh that was hooked around his hip.

"Use your words." he tutted with a sinister smile, one that I wanted to bite and bring bound blood for me. "Please." I beg, though I don't even know what I'm begging for. "That's more like it." he praised, "Peter!" I moaned out as he nipped my neck, almost drawing blood. His left hand quickly drew down to my most sensitive area.

"Say my name, just like that." he commanded. Shutting my eyes, I drew in a sharp breath. His lips connected with mine in a soft and slow kiss, a natured kiss. "Peter." I whisper, feeling his tongue trail from my chin down to my chest.

His fingers continued to move closer and closer to my heat, finally resting upon my bundle of nerves. "Open those eyes, Darling. I want to see you." I could feel the smile on his lip while the rested atop of my stomach.

Opening my eyes, I could see the sweat dripping off of his handsome face, his rapid breathing sent a cold shiver down my spine. My leg is still tucked under his right arm as his left hand is hurried in my heat, his thumb resting in my bundle of nerves-slightly rubbing to warm me up.

A smile grew on my face as I took in how utterly innocent he looked. Almost as if he was scared he was hurting me. Sure he was touching me in a totally not innocent way, but his eyes. His eyes were soft and full of love. I nod with a few soft flutters of my eyelashes.

His beautiful smiles takes over his lips and he dives down, instantly burying his face between my spread thighs. "Oh, Peter." I bite back a moan as I arch my back, his tongue swiping over my soaked folds and his thumb mercilessly rubbing my bundle to euphoria.

His tongue strokes along my folds and delves deeper, pumping his tongue lewdly into my rather tight hole. Soft moans broke through my lips as I throw my head back, the pleasure almost too intense, white hot intense.

The quick pumps he gave nearly made me insane, he pulls back, the loss of contact made me groan. His left hand was placed near my head on the mattress, his right hand grabbed my thigh forcefully and hiked it up his hip.

"Ready, Darling?" he quickly murmured before a harsh thrust jolted my entire body and a low grunt came from Peter's throat. "Fuck," he smiled, "you're so tight." he praised as he lifted his head to whisk away his curls from his brows.

Not before long, he set a rhythmic thrusting pattern, his right hand loosely draped over my throat. Only squeezing softly to make me look him in the eyes. "Oh,fuck." I moan out, on the verge of my climax with every thrust he slowed to, going deeper and deeper.

"Y/n, oh shit." Peter groaned as he quickly pulled out and spilled onto my stomach with an aching moan. I practically squeal while he almost falls on top of me. He rolls off and lays next to me, our chests heaving. He grabs a wash cloth and wipes his residue off of my stomach and tosses it into his hamper.

That won't be fun to wash, hah. A harsh knock at the door interrupted the silence. "Are you done yet?" Tony's voice rings out. I grab the sheets and cover myself. Peter laughs as he kisses my forehead.

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