New Start: BuckyxReaderxPeterParker

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Hey, so I'm starting a new book (Fallbacks and Pushes) and I have decided to make it a Bucky x Reader and Peter Parker x Reader book, however, I don't know who she should get with! This book is very mature (drugs, alcohol, trauma, smut, etc.) so please read at your own discretion. Here is an excerpt of the beginning of Peter's introduction to the book! 

Y/n's POV

The sunlight, I can already feel it fixing me and my mood. I just hope Bucky isn't getting into trouble, he knows exactly how to push my buttons sometimes. Especially with that whole Bunny business. "Make yourself at home." Happy heads off into the other section of the open floorplan. I assume maybe a table? "Do you want something to eat?" Peter asks, I nod, too scared my words will come out more greedy than needed.

He takes me over to see the stainless steel kitchen with a large marble island, Happy and Morgan sit at a table, she draws and he watches. "Here." he hands me a green package the size of my palm. The white words scrawled read Footlong. "What is this?" I question, brows furrowed as I stare between him and the package. "You never had a fruit by the foot?" I shake my head. "No clue what it is." his eyes widen.

"Where have you been?" he cracks a smirk, his curls bobbing over his forehead as he opens the package for me. A parchment paper lined with a long rectangular piece of processed colour stands in his palm. "You peel it and eat it. It's a candy fruit snack." I nod as I take the snack, undoing all of the parchment paper, placing it to the side on the island.

I take the candy and bite at one end, the ultra sweetness hitting my tongue. It's been years since I last had any sort of candy. The last time was when I was still being experimented on. "It's candy pasta." I mumble through the thin rope. "In a way." Peter's chuckle sends a shiver down my spine. What was that. What. Was. That.

"Hey, Bunny." I heard Bucky's rather amused voice ring out as I turn slightly to face him. The candy hanging between my mouth, all the way to my first, middle, and thumb are holding the edges. "What'dya got there?" he questions, leaning against the steel fridge, his flesh meeting the metal.

"Candy pasta." I can feel the glow in my eyes, the sparkle. It's super sweet, I like it, though I'm sure if I had another, my teeth would fall out. "Like it?" he questions, his frame, his eyes, everything about him is relaxed and sophisticated whilst holding a sense of charm. He makes me go absolutely crazy. "Mhm." I continue to munch as I turn back to Peter, resting against the island and he picks his apart into strips.

"I couldn't find you." Bucky hums, I just nod. He knows I don't have a phone. "Why didn't you text her?" Peter questions through bites. "I don't have a phone, actually. Too expensive." Peter's brows furrow only a little, but decides to relieve themselves. "You're ruining your appetite." Happy calls out from the table, motioning between Peter and I. "It's lunch." Peter retorts, cowering only a little.

"A pack of sugar for lunch?" his brow is raised, I just chuckle at how they all seem to be like a family. A real family. I can feel Bucky come up behind me, his metal hand clanks against the island. "Make sure to eat more than this today. There's actual food available for you now." he whispers into my ear, heat spreads over my cheeks once more. I just nod as he picks off the island and rummages through the fridge.

I can see the look Happy gives me, the look that disapproves of my earlier statement of him and I being a couple. Bucky and I aren't a relationship, we're a friendship. He's a super soldier who's grieving and doing better. I'm a DNA mess up who just talked some sense into him. I never considered myself to need a relationship actually. No, that's a lie. I've always wanted one, but I don't think it would be wise to be in one.

Plus, if Doctor Banner sees the new strands for my fire and barrier magic, they'll all know that I'm just another experiment for them to test out. To be a hero, worst case scenario, I'll be a damn villain they'll have to fight. Like Hydra, no...probably like the Vulture. "Why does he call you Bunny?" Peter whispered as he got closer to me, almost too close. A wave of heat ran through my body, but left just as quick. "It's an inside joke." I cover, joke...I feel like a joke.

Well, it is kind of a joke. Though, it's a little awkward since that's a pet name he's giving me. Almost like he's claiming me and the name for himself. Sure, I'm attracted to him and all, but shouldn't I be more worried on my results and making friends for once, right? I can be friends with Peter, right?

Peter nods as he grabs our scraps and throw them into a bin that's within the island. "So, do you wanna stay in my-" "No." Happy interjects Bucky's half made question. "I was talking to Y/n." Bucky almost seethes. "And I said no." Happy interjects once more. I stand and watch between both men. He probably just doesn't want Bucky and I to do the devil's tango. Not like we would.

"What are you going to do? Stand outside my door all night?" Bucky scoffs. "I will if I have to." I can see Bucky's pout from here, he probably wanted to watch cartoons like how we used to when he came over. I wonder if he ever remembered how he'd climb into my bed. I hated when I was on my left side because he'd put his metal arm under my head. It hurt so much, but his body was so warm. Sometimes he'd remember to put the pillow there, but I'd often have to shove my pillow under his arm to put it over when he finally fell asleep.

I wish I never had to go back to that place. I don't want to have to keep eating one meal a day and looking like I eat five. I don't want to go back to the scent of it all, though it's familiar, it's nice and clean here. Almost smells like the ocean. It's so selfish of me, I wouldn't be going and helping them everyday. But I'm sure we could set something up. What am I even talking about?

There's no way I'm getting out of there, I don't make enough money. I'm not rich like these people. They won't want me around once my results come back. "It's okay, Buck. We can hangout til bed. Though, I'm sure you stay up way longer than I do." I let out a small chuckle. Feeling my cheeks redden even more. This body is so stupid sometimes. You aren't allowed to like any of these people like that, stop it!

The chapter in total will be published today in about half an hour (1/21/2022, 2:21 pm)

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