Peter Parker x Reader: Your Wish

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Peter Parker: Happy Birthday To Me
Summary: You're having the worst day ever and the only thing that cheers you up is what's right through that dimly lit fire escape window.
Notes: I thought I would write a birthday chapter with my favourite character since it' birthday! 🎉

"One more thing and I swear to God-" "I dropped the ground chicken." a small scream erupts from my lips. "You're kidding right?" I ask Peter, my best friend-my only friend. "No.." he trails with a scared half smile. "I am going to murder you and your family for the shame you brought to my ground chicken." I blankly stare at him, trying my best to not laugh because I'm upset.

"Good news for me, my parents are dead." he jokes and I hold back a smile as he smiles like a twit. "Aunt May isn't." I point out, the look of horror overtook his face and I laughed.

"I just wanted to make tacos." I huff as I grab the trash bin and paper towels. "Let me take care of that." he tried to quickly take everything from my hands. "Peter, let me clean my own kitchen." I grabbed my things back as I let him awkwardly stand there.

"I'm sorry your birthday isn't going well." he sighs as he rubs the back of his neck, a trademark of his. "It's fine. It never goes right, so I only expect the worse." he furrows his brows. "That's a drab way to look at the world."

"Not exactly. If you always expect the worse, then you'll only experience good things compared to it." I look up to notice he crouched down to at least try his best to help even I told him not to.

"Still, you can't always have that point of view." he slightly tipped the bin towards himself to deposit in clumps of paper towels that concealed the lukewarm poultry. I just smiled.

"Do you want to order out?" Peter asked sheepishly, which makes my heart melt. "Hmm, are you in the mood for pizza?" I ask with a daring glint in my eye. "Always am." he chuckled. "Hmm, I could really go for a hot cheese pizza with extra cheese and a million napkins." I could practically feel my stomach growling.

"Oh, you want like the greasiest pizza around?" he chuckled once he raised his eyebrow. "Definitely." I smile. I love how he always just has this way about him that he can always just go with the flow. Even if he has to dash away to help save anyone and everyone.

"So, does everyone at Joe's Pizza hate you or can you order from them?" I giggle as he shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Just teasing, no need to give me so much attitude." I giggle out. "I'll take care of everything, go relax. It's your birthday." Peter smiles as he swipes his tongue over his lips.

"Fine, but not because you told me to. Only because I wanna go read." I scrunch my nose. Getting up, I notice his smile growing bigger and bigger, such a goof.

Quickly, after he whisks away to grab me a celebratory dinner, I pull out my new book, "A Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels" (a super good book I highly recommend at Barnes and Noble).

"A damn grenade? On the first chapter!" I squeak out as I giggle and feel a tap on the window. "Open the window!" I hear the infamous Peter Parker practically scream.

Opening the window, I watch as he falls on top of me, a scared smile on his handsome face. "" he pieces together. "You got the pizza though." I smile as I feel my fingertips glide over his rather damp back.

"Yeah, but I think it's a little..." he shakes the box that's half squished and soggy, "broken?" he smiled as he let the box flop onto the bed. Resting my head against the cool pillow beneath, I felt the smallest chuckle rustle throughout his body.

"I'm liking this birthday more and more." Peters smile grew slightly at my words, "I got you a gift." he smiled as he reluctantly got up and shimmied out the room. "You didn't have to get me anything!" I smile as I sat up on my bed, poking at the depressed box.

He returns with a blue plaid bag that reads Bath & Bodyworks. "Peter, you didn't!" I smile as I slightly jumped. "I remembered how you wanted this lotion but it was out of stock and I didn't know what else to get a sales lady helped me and...yeah. It's heavy." he smiled as he grabbed a rolling chair and sat in front of me with the bag on his lap.

"Choose a number." he said with a goofy smile on his face. "Four?" I question. "Ooh, sorry. The answer was actually twelve." he chuckled as he handed the bag over. "You got things?" I question with raised eyebrows and soft eyes.

"Open it all." he nudged, I quickly dumped the bag onto the bed with a childish grin on my face. A gift bag with lemon soap, hand cream, and lotion strucked me first with the hot yellow lemon like paper covering, so beautiful. Strawberry soda lotions, Cherry limeade lotion, Merigold shower gel, white tea and sage fragrance mist, crisp morning air sanitizer along with pineapple mango, cucumber lemon, and even coconut apple scented too! Finally, there were two hand sprays and a room spray that were to die for!

"Peter, you didn't have to get me all this!" I smile with a big hug, squeezing him until he could barely breath. "I love you!" I practically giggled as I felt his soft pricks of kisses nip my neck. "Love you too." he squeezes back and he pushed me backward to lay us both down. Kisses pressed and smiles draped. Bliss filled in the empty space around us as the day became pure bliss within only hours.

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