Loki x Reader: Always Need a Villain

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Loki: You Bring Out the Worst in Me 

Warning/Note: This is the hero turned Loki 

Status: Fluff 

Pairings: Loki x Reader 

Summary: Y/N loves Loki's mischievous villain side more than his heroic side. 

"Move you stupid cat." I mutter as our cat, Asrar, attempts to ruin everything I've cleaned for the third time today. It's yelping meow as I picked it up and placed it on the ground was scratchy, but earned an 'aw' out of me. 

Turning back around to the wall in front of me, I grab my metal polish and began to polish off the sides of Loki's helmet as it was sitting in it's rightful place upon the metal stand with a bright white light shining down upon it. 

The slight sounds of footsteps coming up behind me shake through my body, so demanding, so powerful. "Hello, Dear." I ring out, hearing the familiar sound of his angry huffs. "Hello, Darling." I smile and hum out as I continue to polish the helm. 

"How was your day?" he asks in a slightly childish voice, a chuckle escapes my lips. "Boring, yours?" I ask while whipping around to see him holding Asrar and bumping heads together. "Oh." I say with my right hand on my hips. "Sorry, you were saying something?" he looks over. 

"I thought you were asking how I was." scrunching my nose for only half a second, I sit next to him, placing the polish and cloth on the table in front of us. "How was your day?" he inquires, "Pretty boring, I don't like not having you around." a smile forms on my lips. 

"I know, Darling, but you know being a hero of sorts requires me to do whatever is necessary." he sighs as he lets Asrar down onto the ground, wrapping his right arm over my shoulder, forcing me to relax my head on his. 

"I know, and I'm happy you're taking on this life..." "But?" he questions, resting his chin on top of my head. "But, I also liked when you were kind of, well..." he moves away slightly, forcing me to look into his eyes. "A villain?" he asks, the smirk on his face making me blush. 

"Perhaps? God, I sound so horrible, don't I?" I clasp my hands over my face, trying to cover it as well as I could. "No, Darling! I'm happy you like that side of me, both of them are who I am. You accepting me like this makes me truly happy to have you in my life. Now will you please stop hiding from me?" he pries my fingers away and my heating face feels like a portable heater. 

"There we go, that's much better, isn't it?" he smiles, I can't believe how completely amazing his smile is, how amazing his eyes sparkle when he's happy. I softly nod and shift a little as I try to get into a more comfortable seated position. 

"I like you and your mischievous side, it's amazing to see how happy you were and how you just...took charge?" I question myself at the last part. "That makes a lot of sense for why you love my helm from Asgard." he smiles and I bury my face into his chest, his arms lovingly wrapping around me and holding me. 

"What's so good about mischief anyhow?" a smirk takes over my face. "Everything, that story about you turning into a snake and stabbing Thor, I always loved that story." I feel a weird twist in my stomach. "You always do laugh the hardest at that story." his fingers trail and rub my back softly, inching up towards my neck, just to pull me back to stare into his eyes once more. 

He stares around me for a moment, almost like he's contemplating what to say next. He finally breaks the silence and his lips part in the most delicate way, "Want to go find Thor and play a mean trick on him?". His eyebrow was raised, his lips twisted into that devilish smirk that's iconic to everyone on Earth. The sparkle in his eyes were radiating and my heart was pounding. 

"Oh, God yes." I giggled as he maneuvered me into his arms and picked me up, he's so strong, it's almost scary. "You bring out the worst side of me sometimes," I look into his eyes, my own devious look appearing. "And I absolutely love it." I giggle as he throws me a little, just to bring me closer to his chest. 

"Lets go be evil, my Prince." I smirk as I scrunch my nose again and trail my fingers up to the left side of his neck, caressing it with my right thumb. He rolls his eyes as he starts heading towards the door, "Sounds like the most brilliant plan ever, my Dear." his soft lips kiss mine, a smile on both of our faces, making it nearly impossible to have a proper kiss, but it's worth it and neither of us mind. 

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