Loki: WBN PT7

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The bed shakes, yet I can assure you, my body's shaking twice as much. Explicit moans left my lips with a smile as my face is practically shoved into the mattress. Loki's right hand holding the back of my head, fingers tangled in my hair.

His bucking hips becoming slow with thrusts gaining intensity, his moans rippled as his body trembled greatly. His left hand gripping my left side, holding my backside as still as possible, my back aching. Lewd curses leave his mouth as he slows even more, thrusting my body forward and pulling it back as he moved backward himself. The sudden loss of internal touch left me cold inside.

Loki's breath ragged, his chuckles becoming music as I can feel his grip grow weak-he must've finished. "Fuck." Loki mutters under his breath, still slumped over in the bed, I could barely move, Gods-I've never had such a rough time like that. No clue where he learned that from, but I'd gladly take seconds.

Lokis hands roam over my lower back, slowly rubbing my sweaty skin, his hands not gliding smoothly over-yet I find it still comfortable. "I'm sorry if I hurt you," he apologizes, "got a little carried away." I giggle. "Carried away? Do it a thousand times over like that and I'll be your slave-your pet." I sleepily blurt out with great intention.

Loki hovers over my trembling body, pulling his lips close to my left ear, "I made it out alive, where's my award?" his breath hot on my skin, his fingers rolling over my shoulder and pushing me back down on the bed, my bare body exposed for his eyes to soak in once more.

"I'm going to go take a shower, wanna join?" Loki purred, rolling my eyes, I sigh. "You take your shower, I'm gunna take a bath." I proudly announce. "Fine, suit yourself, Darling." Loki sarcastically responds, a smile on both of our faces. "Loki," I whine out as he begins to turn his back, "Yes?" he turns with concern in his eyes. "can you grab me a towel?" I plead as I shift up in the bed, holding my body together with my arms. "Don't hide yourself from me, I just made love to you, and yet you still hide? There's nothing for me to turn away from a body that resembles a Goddesses beauty like you." Loki smiles as he pressed a kiss to my lips, my arms dropping as he goes to grab a towel.

He comes back with a soft, purple towel, draping it over my body. I smile as my fingers linger around his forearms. "I'll be back in a jiff, okay?" Loki looks into my eyes, I nod. Feeling the affect of his gaze upon me makes me a mess. "Better be a jiff or else I'm taking your award away." I tease, "What's the award?" Loki whines, "You'll find out later." I continue to tease, seeing his eyes lit with arousal once more.

This man's an animal! As he scurried along to the bathroom, I can feel the cold air entering through the open door. Grabbing the towel, I wrap it around myself and sit up as much as I could, for my body felt lazy with sleep and exuberance. I could hear his noises in the other room, the fumbling with the shower lever, and his excited "I just did that."'s, he's so adorable, though if you say that, he'll convince you he is beast. I bet he's smiling like a fooling jester, a smile spreads onto my own face.

Debating in my own head starts to hurt, should I say it? Be the first one and risk it or let it ride a while longer and see where it goes? I don't want to disrupt the nature of our relationship that's been set so far. But we just made love, does he not...love? Was it purely his animalistic rights-animalistic needs-or was it out of love?

I don't mind the use, I enjoy the use, yet I find myself asking this question for the very first time. Never did I worry about this question before, back then we had the mutualistic agreement, we just knew. We'd say it a thousand times a day, yet never asked the question. Do you love me, or am I a game for you? How could I possibly think something like this? This man has waltzed back into my life and instead of trying to conquer the world, he came back to me, to love me-to at least help me find myself again.

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