Bruce Banner x Reader: Assistant

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Bruce Banner: Little Helper

Status: Fluffy

Summary: You're Bruce Banner's assistant and his secret-not so secret-girlfriend. 

"Can you grab me the new reports? I can't figure anything out." he asks as he busies himself with his pen and paper, too engrossed in his work to look up at me. "Yep, be back in a few." I state as I get up, my lab coat swishing around my light blue jeans and business silk black shirt.

As I walk through the corridors and manage to find the papers in his inbox, I grab them and put them half straight and half horizontal. Heading back to the lab, I see Mister Stark walk in with a box that has the word New Gear sharpied onto the side. A smile grew on my face as I saw how excited Doctor Banner got over the box. 

Hurrying, I make my way into the lab and behind Doctor Banner. "Here you go, Doctor." I say in an awfully cherry voice. He said he likes when I sounded cherry in the work place because he thinks it's adorable. "Thank you, Miss Y/l/n. Do you have the Savinger files anywhere near?" he moved his head up to look me in the eyes, my knees got so weak from that curious look. 

"Yep, let me go grab them." I state as I trot over to my desk and whipping out a large container, the Savinger files were in there along with my research. It's a hot mess though and I'm not sure how to separate it. I walk over and plop the container onto the desk, a loud wham echoing through the lab. 

I duck down behind the grey container and stole a kiss from Doctor Banner on the cheek, a wide smile spread on my lips as I lost the ability to hide it. I know it's not appropriate to have a relationship with the doctors, but I don't know, things just sort of happened! 

He stared at me in awe, Mister Stark quickly averting his gaze once I stood back up, oh no. He's going to fire me, oh God, I can't lose this job, I'm so dumb! "Y/n can you go grab me Miss Potts? We have some matters to discuss." he states while not taking an eye off of the box of gadgets. 

"Yes, Sir." I quickly replied as I searched for ten minutes before finding Miss Potts and having her come back with me to talk to Mister Stark. My stomach's in knots, he's going to tell her about how unprofessional I am and they're going to fire me. 

I fidgeted with my fingers, rubbing the nails as I felt my breath hitch. "Miss Y/n, why don't you take a seat, next to Doctor Banner." Mister Stark lightly ordered. I quickly stumbled over and grabbed the stool next to Doctor Banner, my heart racing. I could feel his hand graze mine, interlacing our fingers together. 

"So, it seems something is going on between Banner and Y/l/n here. Anything you two want to say?" Mister Stark questions, my entire face heats up and I can feel my chest vibrating. "Look Tony-" Mister Stark interrupted him. "How long has this been a thing?" he questions, Doctor Banner's eyes roamed around before answering, "Four months." Mister Stark nodded. 

"Tony, if you're going to fire anyone, fire me, I-" "I'm not firing you, either of you." he stated while taking off his sunglasses that he always wore inside for no reason. "You're not?" Doctor Banner and I both asked in shock. 

"No, I just need to know when you're both free." he stated while taking out a day planner. "What? Why-" "I need to know when to through the celebration party. Banner finally gets a girlfriend who isn't a psycho or imaginary. Time to celebrate." Mister Stark said in his iconic voice, one that always made me giggle just a little. 

"So, you aren't going to fire me or write me up for having a relationship of sorts with Doctor Banner?" I ask timidly, still scared he's going to yell. "Of course not, look at Pepper and I." he points out, Miss Potts just smiles as she relaxes her standing form. 

"Alright, Lovebirds. Time to get back to work." Mister Stark stated, as I stood up to walk around I thanked Mister Stark a thousand and one times. Doctor Banner smiled at me as he stood too, pressing a kiss to my lips quickly and softly. 

"Do it again, I need a photo for the scrapbook." Mister Stark joked as he took his phone out. "Really, Tony?", he looked up from his phone, almost as if he was offended. "Yes. Now do it for the scrapbook." he demanded, Doctor Banner, Bruce, didn't hesitate at all for the chance to kiss me. 

His hands softly caressed my face as mine trailed up to his neck, wrapping around slightly. His lips are soft and move along mine as if they're made of glass, as if he's scared they'll break. "Now that's a keeper." Mister Stark stated as I could hear the shutter clicks go off, Bruce pulled away with a wide smile, his glasses on the tip of his nose. God I love how he looks in those glasses, such a sight. 

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