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I'm going back through Fallbacks and Pushes and changing a few things, so bare with me if a few things are being published and uploaded. I have another excerpt from the new chapter for Fallbacks and Pushes! I'm mainly changing our job. So instead of being a housekeeping supervisor, we are going to work at a diner! 

"You have a fiancé!" Happy yells at the blonde woman as she kisses the inn keeper. Peter and I giggle, surprisingly, he apparently really likes Hallmark and knock-off Hallmark movies too. "He was rude from the start! He didn't care she was doing backflips for charity!" I shout back as I scrunch into Peter's side. He had managed to get between me and the corner of the connecter couch.

Morgan's against my side, I'm in a sandwich of people. It's weird, but it feels nice. They're innocent, they're kids, they don't know about what the world holds in store. Well, Peter probably does, but not Morgan. "But he's weird." Happy mumbles through the remaining of his popcorn. "I think weird's good every so often." I smile as I feel my eyes becoming slightly heavy. I always get tired when the sun begins to go down. Not sure why, I like the nighttime. Though, I'd prefer it for sleep and imagining a better life.

"You think so?" Peter whispered, I can't even turn my head to look up with how close we are. "Mhm." I hum out, feeling my eyes slowly drift for a moment. His right hand comes up across the couch and to my shoulder. As he rests his hand, I could feel his finger tips leave my shoulder, Morgan's head's in the way. I think she fell asleep on me.

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