Sebastian Stan x Reader: The Wrong Cake

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Sebastian Stan: Totally Not Awkward

Status: Awkward Interaction/Fluff

Summary: You pick up a cake, only to find out it isn't yours so you go deliver it to the right person. 

Warning: This is not great, but please read if you'd like to. Y/F/C/F (Your favourite cake flavour)

"What the literal hell is that cake?" Y/F/N asks me as we stare at it in awe. "A star that says Fuck You, I did A Great Job." I say as I laugh at how awkward and hilarious that cake is. "Who would get a cake like that? Why?" she questions. 

"No clue, I'll call and ask if they want me to return it or what." I smile as I take my phone out to call the bakery. After a few minutes of awkwardly describing what the cake seems to be, they tell me that my cake got mixed up with someone else's. 

Apparently they don't think I'm a murderer because they gave me the persons address to deliver the cake to them. I grabbed Y/F/N and got in the car, speeding over so I can get Y/F/N's cake back, it's for her wedding. Pre-wedding cake taste tests.

I knocked on the door with the cake box in hand, a smile plastered on my face as a dark haired and blue eyed man opens the door, looking slightly uncomfortable and nervous. "Can I help you?" he asks as he shifts against the door. 

"I think I have your cake, they accidentally gave me this one and I kind of need my cake." I giggle out softly. "I was wondering what happened, wait here. I got it on the counter." he says while leaving the door open. His house looks really nice, modern and expensive. 

He returns with a light blue box and a smile on his face, "Here you go." she smiles kindly down at me as we trade boxes. "Good job by the way." I smile with a pink tint to my cheeks, "Congrats to you." he returns. "Oh, haha, no that's not mine. My friend's getting married." I say rather quickly. 

"'re not with anyone?" I smile at his question, "Nope. What job did you do so good?" I smile up at him curiously. "It's from a show actually, a reference." he smiles back as our eyes meet. I nod as I sigh a little, "You know, I'm really sorry about this mix up. Maybe if you're feeling kind enough, you'd let me buy you a real cake to make up for it?" he smirks at his own boldness. 

"Depends, I'm very picky when it comes to cake." I raise my eyebrow, flirting way out of my comfort zone, but I don't mind it at all. "What kind do you like then? Can't get you a horrible cake after causing you all this trouble." he smoothly says and bites his lip for a moment. 

"Y/F/C/F, it's only the best type of cake in the world." I chuckle out. as he rubbed the box with his thumbs. I noticed how I dented the box a little, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dent it." I quietly squeaked out, he shook his head side to side. "Don't worry, the cake is what I care about, not the box." I smile. 

I smile and slowly start to walk away, not sure of what to say or do. "How can I get you your cake without your number?" he smiles as he stands up straight, "I'll send a letter." I smirk and stick my tongue out. "A letter? That's old school." he laughs out with another bite of his lip. "What can I say? I'm old fashioned." I giggled as I headed back to the car, noticing how he watched me drive the car away until he was out of sight. 

"What was that?" Y/F/N asks as she places the box in her lap, "A free cake and maybe a cool new guy to hang out with." I smile as she turns her head towards me. "Or a new boyfriend." she sits back and I sigh and roll my eyes. "We'll see, Y/F/N." I giggle to myself. 

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