Tom Holland x Reader: Found Out

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Tom Holland: Misplaced 

Status: Fluff 

Summary: You and Tom have been best friend for years after you helped a bit on a small project he was doing with the Russo Brothers. He's been your celebrity crush for God knows how long, and your friend has been trying to get you to tell him because she think he likes you too! 

"Come on, Y/N! It's so obvious, please for the love of God tell him! What's the worst that could happen?" Y/B/F/N scoffs, "Rejection, humiliation, public death, emotion death, etc." I list off with my fingers and she rolls her eyes. 

"I've seen the way he looks at you, there's fanfiction of you too for God's sake! Don't even get me started on the Instagram pages and tags." I stare at her in disbelief, "How much do you stalk me?" I laugh out and she shrugs her shoulders. 

"I like how things are, I don't want to mess things up, plus remember that post he put up a while ago about Nadia, they're literally perfect! I'm going to go out on a hunch, I like the way things are." I lie right through my teeth, feeling a pit in my stomach as I say and realize it all out loud. 

"Sure you are." she smirks as she flips through her phone. "Let's just get going, we're meeting him for dinner, right?" I feel the angry swarm of butterflies in my stomach, trying to escape. "Yep, but you're going to write something when we get there." "What?" she smiles as she picks up a Y/F/C coloured pen and a notepad. 

"You're going to write down everything you feel in the car about him and then fold it up and put it in your pocket." I stare at her, confused. "Why? That doesn't make sense." I point out the flawed project. 

"If you write it out then you can feel uplifted, get it out of your system before you swear him off for good from your mind that way." she gets up and grabs her car keys. "Are you going to force me to if I say no?" I question. "You never had an option." she retaliates whilst opening the front door and grabbing me by the hand to drag me out to her car. 

"Buckle up!" she laughs as she heads out towards the surprise dinner 'date' we're having. Tom and Y/B/F/N have been planning this for a while since he's had almost no free time, and we've tried about six times to hang out, but he's had to cancel every time. 

"Write everything down, do it." she demands as she notices how I'm not using the pen and paper. "I'm doing it, I'm going, I'm going." I chuckle as I pull the pen and paper into my lap, trying to think of what to write. I sigh as I uncap the pen. 

I have no clue what I'm doing or why I'm writing this, but I like Tom a lot, a whole lot. In fact, I think I love him, scratch that, I do love him. I don't know why I even love him more than before, but he's always been my celebrity crush and after meeting and working with him side by side, I've just found something in him that was special. As well as and it always made me smile to know that there is something really special about him other than what everybody knows about him. His smile makes me want to smile too, the way his eyes crinkle make me happy, and I know that no matter how much I wish and wish upon a star, there will never be anything between us because I am just me and he is he. Of course he is human just like me, but what he does for a living and with what he looks like and everything else, there's no way he'd want to be with me in any one of these universes. 

I take a break to sigh and read over what I've written, of course I haven't really got anything to think about other than this stupid notes and how much I don't want to write it, but I still have to. Maybe Y/B/F/N is right, it'll help me move on. 

The way he makes me smile and laugh just brings in good energy to my life and I know this is all very stupid, but I love him, I hope he never reads this, he wouldn't feel the same way, I just want him to be happy. 

I notice the car stops and I look up with a stifled laugh. "This is where he chose?" I question and she nods. "Doesn't he have to stick to the strictest diet though? Only fruits, veggies, and stuff like that?" "He's young, he can survive a meal at Buffalo Wild Wings." she shrugs while unbuckling herself, I follow and fold the note into my sleeve.

Walking into the restaurant, we could see Tom with his radiating smile near the entrance. "Hey." he says whilst hugging us both, Y/B/F/N first then me. "I missed you." he smiles down at me and I return the smile while holding onto the note that I half assed hide. 

Dinner went well and he enlightened us with all the ravishing tales of filming. How he went to clubs, hung out with new friends, saw old friends, how great the hotels were, and everything else that he was fascinated by. 

The fries were so good, I wish I knew the recipe! I was extremely tired by the end of the night though and all I wanted to do was sleep and get into my bed for the night. Y/B/F/N had forced me into bed and forced me to lay down, which I am heavily thankful for. I swear I caught Tom staring at us when we got into the car to leave like one of us was dying. 

I get a call maybe an hour after I first got into bed, it's Tom. "Hello?" I question as the light slightly blinds me, "You left your note at the table." was all he said, my heart broke, my entire being stopped instantly. 

"You have no idea how I feel about you, you're damn oblivious! I though I was oblivious, but you take the cake, here!" he laughs on the other end. Confusion waved throughout my body. "What do you-" "I like you, Darling. Isn't it obvious? I always did everything to hang out with you on set and I've tried to hang out six times. I like you too, never assume things." 

Am I dreaming? "Where is the note now?" I ask a little scared. "I have it in my car, now can you please come outside so I can show you how much I feel the same?" he asks with an audible smile and my stupid squeal leaving my lips as I get excited. 

"I'll be down in three minutes." I smile as I throw the blankets off of my body. "Make it two, Y/B/F/N let me, I'm in the living room." I smile as I throw on socks as I hang up and rush towards the door. Swinging it open, I see Tom standing in all of his glory, his beautiful brown eyes crinkling just like I've memorized. 

"Hi." I breathe out heavily. "Hello, Darling." he return with his handsome smile. 

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