Peter Parker x Reader: Daring

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Peter Parker: Holy Shit

Status: Fluff (adorable and smooth)

Notes: y/f/c=your food choice

Summary: Peter Parker is the cutest waiter.

"C'mon, y/n! Hurry up!" I heard my friend MJ practically yell from the bottom if the stair case. "Coming!" I shout back, feeling excited to finally be able to hang out with a group of friends.

I finally made friends with these super smart kids, MJ, Ned, and Betty are my main friends at Midtown High. They said they have a friend named Peter, but he's never around when I am.

Kind of weird, but it doesn't bother me much. As I made my way down the stairs, I saw MJ in a pair of black ripped jeans and a nice black t-shirt that she has tied into a knot at her stomach.

Betty's wearing a nice white t-shirt underneath a body hugging blue denim dress. "Where's Ned?" I question, a little confused. "He's driving, let's go." I nod as we all make our way outside of my home and getting into the small, light grey car.

"Where are we going again?" I question, only remembering bits of the name. "Olive Garden, you've been there right?" Ned asks with a slightly off chuckle.

"Yeah, I just couldn't remember what we agreed on." he nods and I go to staring at my phone while the three talked about a type of Chemistry thst was long gone and forgotten in my mind.

Though I'm the same age and grade as them, I took a harder class, Biimolecular Sciences. It's a little harder than I imagined, so I practically study my life away.

I notice how there's tons of reports on the new Spider-Man busts. He's been working double ever since a few months ago. Almost around the same time I came here.

"Come on, y/n! We're here already." I hear Betty urge as I realized I was the last one in the car. Quickly getting out, I clutch onto the belt loops of my black wash jeans, the yellow fabric of my shirt softly sticking to my skin.

As we got seated, I noticed how Ned kept looking around, like he was trying to spot something, maybe someone, but I don't know.

After ordering drinks-Ned got the diet Pepsi while Betty and MJ got the lemonade, and I got the regular Coke-I noticed how all three of them were looking around.

It was only after we all made eye contact that they all stuck their noses down into their menus, a soft smile appeared on my face as I shook my head.

I already knew what I wanted, thankfully. Though, my gaze was averted towards a particularly handsome waiter. Perfect brown curls that had been unsuccessfully tamed and delicate white skin that showed every slight twinge of a freckle. 


MJ, Ned, and Betty all checked their phones, mine was lacking the notification. Well, that's nice, isn't it? It's okay though, must be something I don't know about. Maybe it's that mysterious Peter.

I saw a smile on Ned's face, like he knew something. Hmm, how odd. I noticed how the waiter I had spotted earlier was talking to our waiter, it looked like he was bargaining.

Not even a moment later, a smile appeared on his face as he jumped up and down excitedly. It was adorable, honestly.

I saw how he quickly made his way over, though he was slicking his hair back anxiously. He looked like he was really excited, I wonder what tickled his fancy.

"Hi," his voice slightly cracked as I stared up at him, a welcoming smile embodied onto my smiling face. "Can I what-what can I get you?" he questioned, flustered.

I stiffled a small giggle as I stared up at him, "Can I have the y/f/c?" he offered an awkward smile and a quick head nod as he scribbled onto the pad with his pen.

While he was taking down the other orders, I tried my hardest to read his nametag. I saw it clearly.

Peter P.

Maybe this is the infamous Peter they've been so secretive about. As he left and slightly tripled on his own feet with a goofy grin on his rather attractive lips, I turned back to the table.

"Is that Peter?" an uncontrolled smile raging wildly through my face, carving itself, permanently. MJ raises her eyebrow at me, "Do you like him? Your pupils are dilated by like forty percent. Maybe fifty."  her voice rings out.

"Shush, I'm just hungry." I lie through my teeth. "So you don't think he's cute?" Betty asks, taking me by surprise. My face heating up immensely.

Betty picks up her phone and I notice how she's texting, I avert my gaze. They know I'd never stare at their texts because it's invasion of privacy.

As we wait for our food to be brought to us, we talk over Marching Band, Academic Decalthalons, tests, quizzes, study guides, anything and everything really.

As I noticed Peter coming back with a tray of our food, I couldn't help, but smile. His smile is infectious, he's killing me.

"Alright, we have the chicken parmesan....the house salad...the pasta bread bowl...and the y/f/c." he carefully set each plate down and turned to me with the biggest smile.

"Be careful with that, the plates hot too." I furrow my brows, staring into his beautiful brown orbs. "Too?" I question, sitting up straight. I saw the smile turn to a smirk as the going in his eye sparkled.

He gently pressed his finger to my shoulder and made a sizzling sound, followed by shaking his hand as though he burned it. I raised both my eyebrows with a wide smile and a loud giggle.

He scurried away, his cheeks as red as a fire truck, his smile turned dopey. I turned back to see my three wonderful friends giggling at how red I turned.

"What should I do?" I asked as I picked up my fork, pushing around some of my food, heart fluttering. "Him." I heard Betty say with her joking inflection.

"Betty!" I hissed at her as MJ and Ned laughed along.

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