College! Peter Parker(T.M) x Reader: Checking Up

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College! Peter Parker (T.M): Sick

Status: Fluff

Summary: You miss your route for school a few days in a row and when you show up, Peter has all sorts of medicine because he thinks you were sick. 

I absolutely despise being sick, this is horrible. I never get sick, I haven't been sick in a year! I couch into my tissue angrily. Checking my emails, I notice all the work that I'm missing. "Guess I better get on that, shouldn't I?" I huff out. 

Three work sheets on Biomolecular Condensates in the Nucleus and four Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage assignments later, I decide to get myself some chicken noodle soup and pass out. Good night, Biophysics Boy, where ever you are. I giggle to myself before knocking out 

Three days later and I'm finally better, hell yes, now I can apologize to Biophysics Boy. I skip down towards the café near Midtown, the raddest college ever. I grabbed myself a hot chocolate and a two cookies on my way over to the walkway. 

"Hey!" I heard a voice yell, a sweet and familiar voice. I turn around with a wide smile on my face, holding the bag with cookies out with my right hand. "Where were you? You scared me! I thought you died." he over dramatically whimpered. "I was sick, seems like you are too." my eyebrows scrunch up. 

He stares at me with a puzzled, yet amused look upon his face. "I'm not sick?" he questioned, taking the bag of cookies from me as we started to walk towards the doors. "You look love sick." I giggle out as I bump his arm with my shoulder. I saw him slightly blush with that dopey smile of his. 

"Me? Love sick? Couldn't uh-couldn't be. I don't even know your name." he looked down and to the side, trying desperately to find something to change the subject. A wicked smile forms on my lips, figuring that now's a better time than ever to try out what Professor Thompson has been teaching. 

If you're introverted, be open minded, try to be extroverted. And I'm damn well going to do this, especially since I'll get credit. I turn towards him before we hit the stairs, he turns towards me when he realizes, my smile still wide and glowing. "Y/n, but you can call me yours." I immediately cringe inside, hating and regretting how horrible that sounded, even though I was super confident. 

His eyebrows raised immediately and he chuckled out with a smile almost as wide as mine. "What's gotten into you?" he breathed out with a soft smile, "Just trying to be more-how do you put it...extroverted." I bite my lip a little. "Well then," he sighs, "I'm Peter, and I'll happily take you up on that offer." he cooed back. 

I smirked as I turned to the stairs and walked up, hoping he would follow behind me, which he did. He quickly made it up the stairs and wrapped his arm around my side, "How does seven sound? I know a really good Chinese place." he sneakily pressed a kiss right above my right ear. 

"Mmm, sounds amazing. Does it cost much? Us Midtown kids are broke as hell, right?" I laugh out. "I'll pay." he offers and smiles as he keeps his arm wrapped around my shoulders. "I can't let you do that, you have less than I do. It's unfair." I object and pout. 

"I'm paying and you can't do anything to stop me." he smiles while he walks me to my class, we usually walk together all the time. "Hmm, fine." I smirk as he leans down and presses a kiss to my cheek. "See you at seven." I nod and head towards my class. 

Well shit, if I can get that when being extroverted, what else can I get? 

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