Peter Parker x Reader: Concern

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Peter Parker: Recover

Status: Fluff

Summary: Peter needs help recovering from getting stabbed as Spider-Man 

"Y/n." I heard someone hiss at my window, I turn around in my wooden chair and smile as I see the familiar red and blue latex suit, quickly hurrying over to the window to let him in, I smile. "I thought you weren't coming back?" I chuckle as he slightly struggles to get his left leg in, causing him to fall onto the floor with a slight thud. 

"It's Friday, I always come back." his voice bobbed up and down with each passing word, a smile etched onto my own face. He quickly rips the mask off his face and throws it onto the edge of my bed, a sigh leaving his lips as he throws his head back. 

"Yeah, but it's also around midnight and I know May would freak out if you weren't home." I dash over to my desk and grab my water bottle. Bringing it over to Peter, I smile as his clothed fingers grasp the bottle from me, just his presence makes me happy. 

"I called her on my way over, you know how amazing I am at figuring things out." he boldly boasts and wraps his right arms around my shoulder, his smirk still holding up as he drinks from the cap. 

"Totally, like how you spent three months just to figure out that Kraft makes their different shaped pastas with the help of a computer simulation." I roll my eyes at him as I grab his right hand to bring us to my bed, falling onto the soft sheets that always encase warmth and happiness. 

"How was patrol?" I smile as I force him to sit down in front of me, the fingers of my right hand twirling around his brown curls, loving the ever so soft texture of which always gave me goosebumps. "Pretty good, nothing much happened so I got to just watch the city and kids running around." the soft smile on his face always made my heart melt. 

"I know you're lying." I softly smile as I place my forehead against his back, a sigh silently escaping my nose. "I'm not lying." his voice pitches up higher than usual, his tell tale sign, "Peter, I know you, how was patrol, really?" I question as my hands roam his shoulders, rubbing back and forth and side to side. 

"Nothing bad, y/n, just stopped a robb-eH!" he groans out, holding his side. I quickly snap my eyes down to his side and sigh as I scramble my drawers for my First Aide kit, I always kept it since he told me. He angrily huffed and laid down on my bed as he removed the majority of his suit, "Damn, did you get stabbed?" I squealed out, tending to his wound. 

"Maybe." he seethed as I applied peroxide and wiped away the blood. After silently cleaning him up, I cuddled up to his side. "You know you're going to catch hell form me tomorrow." he smiles as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. "I know." I look up at him and press a soft kiss to his cheek. 

"I could make you a shield." I giggle and he rubs his thumb over my left shoulder. "Like Captain America?" he asks as I snuggle my face into the crook of his neck. "Yeah, but Spider-Man-ized." I smile as I hook my left leg over his waist, sighing loudly as I get comfortable. 

"Hey, watch out for my side there." he half-joked, wrapping his left arm over me tighter. "I love you." he ringed out, a smile can be heard in his voice. "I love you too. Please be more careful." I mumble into his chest, drowsiness overtaking my body. "I'll try." he softly chuckles as he presses soft kisses to the top of my head. 

"I'm worried about you, Lovebug." I can feel his smile, I always tease him with bug or insect related nicknames, but this one always stuck. "I know, but you know I always come back." I sighed softly and I held my grip tighter on his body, scared he was going to disappear. 

"Promise that?" I ask, hope filling my voice. "Promise, I'm Spider-Man. I'm almost indestructible." he jokes out, "I don't think that's how it works, Peter." a giggle flowed through my lips. "But you get the idea, y/n." he smiles and presses open mouth kisses on my forehead. "I do, sweet dreams, Lovebug." I say, finally getting settled into the best sleeping position on his body, practically forcing him to stay still. 

"Sweet dreams, Beautiful." he smiles and huffs as he struggles to turn the light off, but he manages to return me back to my snuggles. He needs to be careful, but I trust my Peter, he's always been good and careful. "I love you." I mumbled against his chest. 

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