Loki: WBN PT5

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His lips hovering above mine, his eyelids hung low, his body so close to mine, his sweater practically stuck to my shirt. The flickering of my eyes were so radical, I could barely tell the difference between what I was even processing.

I couldn't even open my mouth to say a word, everything I wanted to speak got caught in my throat. I've felt this before, but not quite this strong. I close my eyes, with my Loki-dead-we've shared those nights together, nights that should only be spent after marriage, and in those moments, I loved him so much-the waves of arousal always felt pleasurable, but this is something completely different. I can't quite explain it, it's just so dangerously new, dangerously flamingly fluffing around.

It feels like a fire has been lit below us, practically sweating from the imaginary fire, my chest heaving before we're doing anything worth heaving over. His fingertips felt almost like they were electric, sending shockwaves through my body. Almost like the electric shock you get after grabbing clothes out of the dryer.

The heat of his agaped mouth left me in a daze, a smile caught up on my lips. The intrigue of it all, the way his words sounded so desperate, yet full of the dominating power like when he took over Germany that one time. It all brings back memories, yet they vanish before I can even finish them. This tension feels like a spell being cast upon my body, my words, my thoughts too.

His lips were brought down upon mine, almost as soft with the gentle touch that his fingers leave upon my skin. The way he moves his mouth in unison with every wave that passes through my body just makes it all feel even more real than I could have ever imagined. Never imagined this type of passion between Loki and I-any version at that.

He brings his left hand up to cup the right side of my jaw, holding me steady as he continues to do his work, of course with me reciprocating with as much love and passion I possibly could ever give. Draping my arms over his shoulders, I clasp my fingers together, slightly letting them roam over his back. His lips matched the feel of his skin, though with the lesser side of the roughness his skin proposed to my fingertips.

I can hear his steady breathing quaking with each passing second, the slight chuckle leaving his mouth as he parts for a second. Staring up into his mischievously dark eyes, he winks and continues back to his busy work. Closing my eyes, I can't help but to feel my heart beating out of my chest like a volcano about to erupt. He always smelled like pine, I could never figure it out, but it's just one more piece of him that has always made me attracted to him. Whilst his lips still continue onto mine, he begins to pull me back towards the bed, him falling and sitting first.

Stopping there, and only there, to look up, his eyebrows form a question of it's own. As I open my eyes, an immediate nod is thrown in hid direction. His hands both lingered down to mine, holding them-interlocking our fingers as comfortably as he could make it.

Quickly and casually, licking over his lips, he pulls on my hands, almost begging me to lean down. Undoing my hands from his, my fingers leaving his to hang in the wind by themselves, my own mischievous smile forms. Propping my right knee on top the bed, he slightly leans back, yet I still lightly push him down with my right hand so he lays flat onto the bed. His eyebrow cocked with surprise, I lean over slightly and place my left hand on his right shoulder, and my right hand on the bed-beside his left shoulder.

"Know what you're doing there?" Loki teased as he quickly maneuvers himself to be kneeled over top of me instead, his right hand tangled up in my hair, yet it doesn't hurt one bit. My face red from his new found moves, my eyes finding his and leaving from his right arm in his shirt, I can see him puff his chest out a little.

"Tonight we unleash the beat that lives inside your delicious body, and I will spend the rest of the night teaching it to purr." widening my eyes instantly, astounded at his one-liner, I can feel my entire face become red. I'm absolutely breathless, left speechless. I can just tell that I'm probably in for it now, and I don't mind one bit. Loki purred himself as his left hand clutching the bottom of his shirt. 

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