1940's!Bucky Barnes x Reader: I Thought You Were Dead

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1940's!Bucky Barnes: Back From The Dead 

Status: Fluff

Summary: You could have sworn you thought he was dead, but you kept seeing him where you work, the good old library! 

I sigh as I finish restocking the fantasy section of the children's part of the library, a few kids walked around with books too big to carry in their arms, struggling. It's so cute, God, I wish I could have one. 

"Miss Y/l/n, can I have these now?" I heard a small girl ask as I turned to face her, she couldn't be more than seven or eight. Finishing my cart off, "Of course," I whisper back to her, grabbing her heavy books and putting them on the top shelf and wheel them over to the counter to grab the stamp and code scanner. Smiling as I see her books varying from fairy tales to witches, odd, but cute. 

"Thank you." she smiles as her mother comes and collects her as they head out. My smile drops instantly as I turn around and grab m water bottle, slowly cracking it open to avoid too much noise. I raise the mouth to my lips, taking in only a little bit of water, and holding it there. Enjoying the cool swishing feeling. 

I close the bottle up and turn around, nearly choking on my water as I see a dark haired man walk pass a few stacks across the library, I have to stop thinking it's him. I swear he died, it can't be him, he can't be alive. 

I take a deep breath in and bit the skin of my lip a little, trying not to toy with it. I smile as I push the cart back into it's rightful place while returning to the desk to cross off the To-Do list, I've only got a few more things to do, maybe twenty-five percent. 

"Hey, how's the list coming along?" I hear my co-worker, Sarah, ask. I smile and nod as I show her how much I got done today. "Faster than yesterday, before you know it, you'll be racing around this place and causing a hurricane of books and papers." she teases while her hair folds over her shoulder. 

"We can only hope." I huffed back out in a hushed tone, feeling my stomach twist and turn as I felt someone's gaze on me. "Oo, don't look now, but I think someone's coming to get their books checked out." she taunts with a little shoulder squeeze. I roll my eyes whilst organizing the desk, keeping my eyes fixated on the top counter. 

I look up as I hear footsteps barrel in front of the desk, I raise my head with a prepared smile that falls instantly when he stands in front of me. "No hello?" he smirks while placing his books on top of the counter, a  book on mystery murders and a popular book about nature being a battlefield that was written by Darwin. 

"Odd selection you have there." I feel a lump in my throat as I squeak out and move the stamper and scanner. "Y/n." he rings out, slight concern on his face, "This'll be due in about three weeks, we changed our policy. If you are overdue, it'll cost you about fifteen cents per day for a month. If you have a book that is overdue after a month, you will have to pay full price of the book whether or not you bring it back in piece." I breath out with a monotone voice. 

"Y/n." he hissed, my eyes snap to his and tears form in mine, even though I didn't want them to. "Bucky." I breathe out, my hands finding their way to my face as I rest my elbows on the counter. 

"I thought you were dead." I mumble into my hands, the muffled words still making their way to his ears. "They said you were dead, how are you alive?" I question, moving my head to find his face, beautifully etched and carved. 

"I'm not dead, I'm here, aren't I?" he tilts his head the way he always did when he teased me. "Bucky, please tell me this isn't a joke. I can't go through that again, I can't lose you again."  I plead, begging with every fiber of my being.  

"You won't," he steps closer, his large hands trailing up my forearms, grabbing onto my damp hands, rubbing them with his thumbs in circles. "I'm here to stay, I promise you." I feel my lip slightly quiver as I see his eyes glimmer in the florescent light. 

I look over at Sarah who was just smiling at us like she had planned it. "I won't tell if you won't." she smiles and I gather my things and run around the corner to grab onto Bucky's torso, hugging him as tight as possible. 

"I can't breathe, Y/n." he chuckles out as he grabs my right hand with his soft, left hand. I smile as we trot out of the library and walk down to a nearby small eatery. "Bucky, I can't believe you're...I-" he smiles as he seats me into a booth. "I'll be right back. Hot coco and a cookie?" he asks and I nod. 

I have my Bucky back, he scared me half to death when I was told he died, he sits down in front of me, knocking me out of my trance. "Why did they say you died?" I question, rubbing the side of my cup, he sighs with a smile. "I lost my tags, they found them and I got it back, but it messed up the system and all." I stare him dead in the eyes. 

"You lost your tags? James Buchanan Barnes! Do you know how scared and how sad I was?" I practically shout, but mainly whine and pout.  "You love me that much, Doll?" he smiles his toothy grin, his uneven stubble making him look as adorable as evil he is. 

"Of course I do." I huff out, taking a bite of the chocolate chip cookie he got me, he knows it's my absolute favourite. "If you love me so much, why don't you marry me." he teases, taking a sip of coffee, he always gets coffee. He always liked it even though it never made sense to me. 

I smile, knowing how I can get him flustered. "Okay." I giggle out, reaching for his left hand with my right and entangling our fingers together. "Will ya marry me, Bucky?" I ask with the biggest grin on my face, the one he always knew meant either trouble or that I knew I got him. 

He just stared at me for a moment and smile, turning his read to his right, his mouth agape and his tongue sticking out a little. "You know, I'm supposed to ask you." he bites his bottom lip rather quickly. 

"So you won't marry me?" I ask as my hand fell a little limp as I make those big doe eyes he could never resist, as far as I knew. He turned back to me and smiled as wide as I was, "I never said no, just that I'm supposed to be the one to ask. Let me ask you, Doll." I giggled out and nodded, taking a sip of my hot coco and closed my eyes as I felt the warm liquid run down my throat. 

As I open my eyes, I sigh with happiness, my eyes lay on Bucky, his handsome smile resting upon his lips. "Well?" he asks and I shift my eyebrows up in confusion. He tilts his head again towards the table. I look down the cup and see a beautiful engagement ring between his fingers, it's utterly beautiful and really shiny. 

"Bucky?" I squeak out, almost losing my grip on the cup with how utterly shocked I am, my entire body is stuck

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"Bucky?" I squeak out, almost losing my grip on the cup with how utterly shocked I am, my entire body is stuck. I just blinked, unable to say anything, I want to scream 'yes' from the top of my lungs. "Please say something, this is going to be really weird if you don't." he chuckles out, holding the rings between his fingertips tighter. 

"Dear God, Bucky, of course." I squeak out again, feeling my heart race a million miles a minute. His sweet smile made my entire body feel like jelly, he grabbed my hand and took the cup away from me and slips the ring on my ring finger, staring like a kid in a candy store.

"No you really-seriously can't die or leave or anything." I tease and bite my lip, he reaches over the table and kisses me as hard and as long as he could, like I was going to disappear! "I love you, Bucky." I giggled out as I held onto his face with my fingertips. "I love you too, Y/n soon-to-be Barnes." he smiled in the goofiest way possible and it made my heart melt, ready to be fitted for his hands like gloves. 

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