Chris Evans x Reader: Cinnamon

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Chris Evans: Anniversary

Status: Fluff

Summary: It's your and Chris' one year anniversary and you try to make home made cinnamon rolls, but horribly fail. 

"Okay, so I got the butter, granulated sugar, cinnamon, flour, and the roll dough. I should be set." I giggle to myself whilst looking at everything I need for these cinnamon rolls. Chris loves them so much and I think he'd like them! 

I began to mix everything just the right and and smiles as I thought about changing into something comfortable, sure some might say I should dress up, but no thanks. Comfort over looks all day long!

As I put the rolls into the oven I got upstairs to figure out what to put on, I don't want to dress up, but I don't want to look like a slob. I sigh as I get a text from Chris saying that he has a big surprise for me when he comes home. 

"Cinnamon rolls can't top his surprises." I pout as I angrily walk through the clothes in my closet. I finally settle on light grey jeans that flatter me just the way I'd like and a nice black t-shirt that was purposely oversized to the extreme. I love how it hangs on me like a short dress, it's so comfortable. 

I take my phone out to see I spent nearly an hour trying to figure out what to wear and the scent of burnt sweets filled my nose. "Shit! The rolls!" I dash out of the shared bedroom and head downstairs to see slight smoke leaving the oven, grabbing a mitt to take the pan out and throw it onto the stovetop. 

Waving the mitt around and covering my mouth, I can feel the panic and adrenaline fill my veins. "That was going to be so perfect." I whined as I sit onto the floor in front of the oven, staring at the disaster I caused. 

"Now I have nothing to give him." I whisper to myself as tears free flowed from my eyes, my lips parting as sobs left my shaking body. Only moments later I heard the soft knock echoing through the kitchen onto the have the door open, I cover my face in embarrassment. 

"Babe, I'm back-what the hell happened here?" I heard Chris' voice turn quickly as he spotted the smoke, burnt tray, and my crying form. I whimpered and my whines came out in inaudible words as I pointed to myself then the tray and back at myself as I began to cry more. 

Chris quickly came over and bent down to my level, hugging me as tight as he could and cooing soft compliments into my ear. "I had it all planned out! I wanted to get dressed, but when I finished they burnt and and-" he presses his lips to mine quickly and harshly, probably to shut me up. 

"It's okay, we can make more together." he smiles and presses soft kisses all along my hair line. I pout as I cuddle into his arms, his chuckle made me giggle. "What's my surprise?" I question, moving my head up too meet his. 

All he does is laugh, laughs as if I told the funniest joke ever. I stare up at him more and slap his chest softly. He finally manages to come down from his laughing fit and stares into my eyes, tears of joy in his. 

"I got you cinnamon sticks from the bakery down the street." he says as he shakes the box that's laying next to him. I scrunch my nose and huff out in anger. "I bet yours would have been delicious." he smiles and presses a kiss to my neck, making me giggle out.

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