Peter Parker: Scare Me

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Peter Parker: Scare Me

Status: Fluff, implied smut

Summary: You come back from a hard day of work.

"My feet are absolutely killing me!" I groan as I sit on the couch, running my aching feet with my hands.

"Benja!" I shout as I hear the bell ringing from the calico cats neck. His trot was slow, but steady. Heading up the cushion of the couch to my side.

"Hey there, Benja-Boo." I coo as I run my fingers along his fur. His soft meows filled the room, a flutter in my heart as I can spot the wondrous scent of Peters earthy cologne.

Though he was practically busy all the time and sweaty, he still managed to smell a mix of wood, smoke, and vanilla. It's my favourite thing about when he spends the night. It lingers in my bed and it's so comforting to feel like he's here.

I take out my phone and click on Peter's contact, a smile engraved in my face. I tap and make the call, my heart racing.

"Hey-ughh." Peters voice quickly ached. "Are you okay?" I quickly asked as my fingers brushed along Benja's fur.

"Yeah, I have groceries." I could hear his smile in his voice. A knock at my door interrupted us. I smiled, "Are you here, Babe?" I asked once as I hit the door.

Opening, I'm greeted with Peters figure, "Maybe." he answered as he struggled to hang up the phone with his full hands.

"Let me take this." I smiled up at him whilst grabbing a few bags from him and placing them upon the counter. His large and warm hands wrapped around my back-wondering around until his head rested between the crook of my neck and his hands were fixated onto my stomach.

Hands clasped together, I smile as I move my head to press a kiss to his warm lips. A smile spread on my face, turning around in his loosely draped arms, I sigh.

"I could really use a kiss." Peter smiles as he bites his lip slightly. "I just gave you one." I point out with a raised eyebrow. "That was barely a kiss!" Peter exclaims with a smile as he walks over to Benja.

"You know, Peter..." I ring out with a devilish smirk, "I know that tone," Peter noted, his smile widening as he placed Benja on the floor and flops onto the couch. "come here, Baby." he bit his lips as he struggled to undo his shirt.

Briskly walking over, I sit myself upon his legs, wedging myself in comfortably. Not wasting a single moment, I pounce, pressing sloppy kissing over his face and down to his neck. His fingers entwining in my hair, practically knotting it.

"Y/n..." Peter breathily moaned out with a chuckle, my fingers slipping and grazing up to his hair to tangle themselves in, however my left hand wonders off and down towards his bare stomach.

"Peter," I bite softly upon his red hot skin, "you know what happens when you leave for a week." I giggle out. "If this is how you act when I leave, god I better leave more often." he chuckles.

"Oh, Peter." I gasp out as he flips us backward, me laying on my back and him overtop. His lips ran over my body almost as quick as lightning, barely letting an inch be uncovered from his touch. "Peter!" I gasp out sharply as he delved into my mid, pressing kisses as his fingers roamed to the softest of spots.

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